here we are in step 2 of the yarn braids stylein this step i will be showing you in detail step-by-step how to do your own your yarnbraids before we begin braiding i will first show you how to prepare your yarn you wantto make sure that you predetermine how long you want to leave of your braids to be whetheryou want them above your shoulders your shoulders were below your shoulders i will show youhow to prepare your yarn for your style once your pieces are prepared i'll show you step-by-stephow to braid your yarn before you actually begin braiding your yard braids you want tomake sure that you have already measured out pieces of yarn that you will be using to braidyour hair so to begin you want to know exactly how long you want your yarn braidsrace tobe an hour my arm brace to fall past my shoulders
maybe a little bit above mid back so whatyou want to do to help you as a guide to know how long your pieces will be visibly goingto take the yard on this for you have here you want to unwind a very long amount justto give you an idea of how short or long you want your braids to be so i am just goingto why this off my your piece that i have here number online probably about 2 to 3 feetnow my yarn braids are not going to be that long but this will help me as a guide to howlong so you can simply take your scissors in your going to cut the yarn off from thespool and now it is extremely long piece that i have here i have one end of it and i'm goingto take this in place it where i want it to be so if i want my yard braids to be somewherebit back a little higher than mid back it
is probably going to be at my rib cage hereso i'm just going to take the end of my yarn piece just wanted a place that my rib cagenow i'm going to bring it up to the side of my head here to stretch and see how long iwant it to be so when i pull the thread up this is exactly where it meets up to the sideof my head in this point as well goes down to my rib cage so now what i do is i takethis finger that's up here and i leave it there and i also have my finger here at thebottom below simply want to do is let this piece go with his hand so they can meet downat the bottom of where the yarn meets so where that piece meets here i'm going to cut itoff so that i had even an even piece of yarn so i am going to place my finger here andthen i'm going to cut this piece of yarn and
now want to premeasure to make sure it's thelength i wanted to be so to make sure that the yard braids fall kind of mudpack or littlebit higher than mid back i want to make sure that it's my rib cage at least top of my ribcage so i am going to go ahead and find the middle point of this your data to pieces thateven down here and then am going to place it at the side of my head to see exactly whereit falls and it falls exactly what i wanted to be right at the top of my rib cage so nowthis is the exactly length that i would like for my yarn braids to be if you want youryarn braids to be a lot shorter you only wanted to hit your shoulder then make sure that yourest you are see where on your shoulder here and then you will pinch the yarn and cut exactlywhere you wanted to be and i will serve as
your length so now my length is of how longi want my yarn to be i'll use as a guide to cut all of the individual yarn pieces weremy braids so once again i'm going to take this piece that's the exact length i wantedto be and i'm going to grab the yarn from my spool of yarn meet the cut piece that ihave to the beginning of the yarn and i'm going to try both pieces all the way perfectlydown as possible that i can and then where is going to take my scissors to cut my newpiece of yarn to match that length now i have two pieces of yarn that are the same lengthand if i measured again to the side of my head it falls right at the top of my rib cageso just continue to cut pieces to make sure they are the length so that all of the lengthsof your braids are the same so once again
i grab my piece of yarn and grab 2 piecesor just simply one of them since they are the same length so i will just used both ofthem that i've cut and i'm going to place this here on this yard draw it all the wayup to the end and then i'm going to take my scissors and i'm going to cut the yarn tomake sure matches so now i have read pieces of yarn and if i make sure the bottoms areequal and put it back up to the side of my head is still falls exactly what i wantedto be when you are doing yarn braids we will be using 3 pieces of yarn to do so you canuse more in your using more yarn draw it all the way up to the end to i am going to takemy scissors and then i am going to cut the yarn to make sure it matches that length nowi have 2 pieces of yarn that falls right at
the top of my rib cage so just continue tocut your yarn pieces so that all of the lengths of your braids are the same so once againjust continue to cut pieces that are the same length so that all of the lengths of yourbraids ae the same so one again i am going to grab the lengths that i cut and i am goingto place this here on this yarn draw it all the way up to the end and then i am goingto take my scissors and then i am going to cut the yarn to make sure that it matchesso now i have 3 pieces of yarn and if i make sure the bottoms are equal and put it backup to the side of my head it still falls exactly where i want it to be when you are doing youryarn braids we will be using 3 pieces of yarn to do so you can use more yarn but using moreyarn allows for you to have bigger braids
so what i will show you is with these 3 piecesof yarn how you will braid them onto your head now that you have already measure outyour yarn pieces for your yarn braids i will show you how to position your hands on theyarn so that you can install the yarn for your yarn braids so what you need to makesure is that you already measured out your lengths we will be using 3 pieces of yarnyou can use more yarn you could use maybe 2 pieces but 3 pieces the typical size thatyou want to stick with for your typical yarn size braid so if you are familiar with doingindividual braids like zillions or single braids or box braids the same technique forpositioning your hands applies even though we are using yarn but i will be showing youthe same technique applies to yarn so what
you want to do is make sure that you dividethe hair into its parts so we have 3 pieces of yarn here and you simply want to dividethis into two thirds and one third so we simply will just take one of the pieces of yarn awayfrom the other you are so much you divide that now is perfectly broken up because nowin my left hand i have two thirds of the i originally had in my right hand i have one3rd of the yarn that i originally had so next what you want to do is take your one 3rd andthrow around and wrapped around his two thirds first to form a 3rd part so now the smallpieces going to wrap around this to 2-3rd is like that in your going to bring both theends together and make sure they are of equal lengths for all the parts and now here wehave 3 legs for our braid this 3rd you have
here i brought the piece back around itselfso looks like now there's 2 pieces and there's 2 pieces here in 2 pieces here as well sonow you have this hair that's divided equally into 3 parts for your braid since your braidconsists of 3 sections as well so to further position your hands what you want to do istake your right hand the three main fingers of your right hand position it around yourpeice that we had in the beginning so that small 3rd they wrapped around two thirds youwant to position 3 of your fingers) as close to the meeting point of all the pieces ofyarn as possible once you do that you take your left hand insert your index finger intothe middle of these 2 sections here and your middle finger is on the outside with yourthumb on the outside as well and all the rest
of your fingers will wrap around the threadjust like this so once again i will show you exactly how you want your hands positionedfor the braid to take this 3rd off and bring it back with the 2 thirds making sure allof the legs are equal now what you do a separate this piece of thread into a 3rd and two thirdsso i am going to pinch one off now is perfectly separated into one 3rd and two thirds nowyou going to wrap the 3rd around the two thirds to form your 3rd leg of your braid so onceall the ends are neat and perfect and now you have 3 points for your braid so the partthat was originally a 3rd you take 3 main fingers of your right hand and position iton the hair there any take your left hand insert your index finger into the openingof these 2 pieces here and on the outside
you have your thumb your index finger andthe rest of your hands will go around hair just like that so you once again to answeryour index finger your thumb in your middle fingers on the outside in all the fingersjust wrap around the hair and that's how you want to have your hands positioned now thelast step is to simply take your right hand swirl it underneath insert your index fingerthrough and hold that piece of hair there in between your index finger in your and nowthis frees your left hand so that you can use your right hand for braiding so once againi'm going to show you what just happened so now that you have your hands positioned onyour thread you are going to take your right hand firmly holding hair going to twirl underneathinsert into that v opening there with just
your next finger and pinch the thread betweenyour index finger in your thumb and i your right hand is ready to braid my your lefthand is for so now that you know how to position your hands on the pieces of thread now willshow you how to braid and your left hand is free so now that you know how to positionyour hands on the pieces of thread in your yarn braids before you begin braiding youryarn braids you want to make sure that you prepped the section of hair that you willbe working on so what you want to do is take your comb and part your hair and a desiredsection that you want to begin your braid with also you can use a spray water bottleto mist your section of hair to help you part your hair and detangle through as you prepareyour hair for your braid so what i will be
doing is taking my spray bottle i will justslightly missed the section hair that i want to are to help me part my you want to takeyour comb and you are going to part a section of hair that you that you will be workingi will start by my ear to show you how big you want your part to be if you are familiarwith doing individual braids like box braids you want to go along with that measurementof how wide or big you want your part to be so the section the hair that i will be braidis about half an inch on both ends of how wide you want your part so now you want totake your comb and you're going to detangle through your section of hair and then youare going to apply a little bit of hair gel to the ends of your hair to begin braidingfor your yarn braids to begin braiding i will
quickly show you once again how to prepareyour hands on your yarn so what you want to do is make sure all the ends are equal toone another and you going to take one of the thirds wrap it around the two thirds and thenthe part that was originally a 3rd you want to position 3 fingers on your right hand onit and then take your left hand insert your index finger and use the rest of your fingersto hold the hair in place once you do that you going to twirl your right hand underneathinsert it through this opening with your index finger in you and pinch the hair this in betweenyour index finger in your together this frees your left hand and now with your right handwe are going to begin braiding so i am going to go right up to my part where i am on mysection of hair here and now what you want
to do is take your left hand and put it overyour head to help assist you as you are braiding your first yarn braid so what you want todo is take your left-hand and gather all of the hair with the 3 main fingers of your lefthand which is your thumb your index finger in your middle finger so now what i will dois i will take my right hand now open up my next finger and my index finger and my thumband i will grab all of the hair that i have in my left hand in between the index fingerand thumb of my right though i will grab all of the hair there with my index finger now that i am holding hair going to take myleft hand and i am going to grab the yarn that's on top position it with my 3 main fingersand then i'm going to turn my right hand to right turn to the right keeping everythingnice and tight i hold the hair with my left
hand excuse me i hold the thread with my lefthand and i take my index finger inserted through this opening i created once i twirled my handsto the right i hook this bottom piece of bread here and i add that to my left hand so nowmy right hand is free and my left hand has 2 pieces of section 3 to take my right hand3 main fingers and i am going to grab the hair and the thread together so once i havedown that i have two section pieces of hair my left hand, twirl my left hand to the leftand in this v opening i am going to take my index finger put it through and hook on thatbottom piece of thread there so i am going to add that thread to my right hand here andnow my left hand is free once again and i have 2 separate pieces in my right hand everytime you have to section pieces in either
one of your hands you are going to twirl yourhand to the desired direction so since i have 2 separate pieces in my right hand, twirlmy hand to the right and it creates an opening here in-between those 2 pieces and now thati’m holding my left hand to the thread i take my index finger i hook the bottom piecewith the thread in the hair hair and add that to my left you going to continue this processa couple more times to make sure that the braid is secure so now i have 2 differentsectioned pieces of yarn in my left hand in my right hand the 3 main fingers will holda piece of hair there was a sad 2 sections of hair here mature my left hand to let theleft hand gets twirl to the left the right hand just want to the right so as you seehere two pieces i am going to twirl that to
the left and in this opening in between those2 sections i am going to hook my right index finger and i want to continue the same processtwo pieces here so i twirl my right hand to the right in this opening i’m going to hookthe index of my left hand now to pieces on my left hand so i twirl my left hand to theleft insert my finger into the opening there and hook the bottom piece so now you know that you for the braid onpretty securely if you can let go without unraveling and as you can see a braids startedto form here so from this point which want to do is make sure that all 3 pieces are distinctand you're going to put those pieces into your fingers and continue to braid down tothe very bottom the reason why it's great to put gel at the
ends of your hair here is because once i startbraiding past the hair the slick gel on the ends helps the hair to a really flat withthe yarn then you are just to keep braiding all the way down to the very end of your yarnbraid now you are going to continue to braid down onto the very bottom to you can no longergo any further so now once you braided to the very bottomfor you want to do is grab the end of the braid that you found with your yarn you wantto twirl around your finger and create a knot so you just simply creating a not at the verybottom of the yarn braid once you create a knot you are going to all the night very tightly as tightly as you canand as flat as you can so you can use your fingers to just really flatten that knot andmake it extremely tight were going to take
our scissors and you are going to go backto your yarn braid in you are going to cut directly below that knot there this createsa very safe seal at the ends of your braids so that your braid doesn't come down so ifyou have any extra threads sticking out of the braid you simply grab your scissors andjust snip those pieces all and that is your complete yarn braid so once again i will showyou how to braid your yarn braid so he was a pretty 3rd from the two thirds of the yarnwrap the 3rd round of two thirds position your right hand on the 3rd piece and now theother piece you insert your index and wrap the rest of your fingers around the hair likeso take your right hand turn it under insert the index finger of your right hand and pinchthat hair that's underneath your index finger
between your thumb your index finger and nowyour left hand is free and your hair is still section pieces and we are going to braid sonow once you bring your hands up to your hair your section of hair your hair should alreadybe prepared section the little bit of gel so now with my left hand when i’m goingto do is grab all of the hair securely in my 3 main fingers make sure that i have allof the hair here then i am going to take my right hand open up my index finger and mythumb and grab all of the hair in between my index finger and my thumb so once i graball of the hair and take this piece to move it to the side out of the way a position atpiece in between my left hand with my 3 main fingers my right hand has two section is apair of which were my right hand to the right
so i am going to twirl my hand to the rightand take my index for my left hand insert it and hook that bottom piece of yarn so nowmy right hand is free and my left hand has 2 pieces of hair i take my right hand againin 3 main fingers wrapped be here in the thread it is my left hand has 2 pieces of sectionhere is where my left hand to the weft in between opening at creative and hook my indexfinger and add that piece of thread that to that hand and i have one section of the lefthand with my 3 main fingers and once again the section that has 2 separate distinct piecesyou will turn that to whatever section so my right hand gets turned into the right whichcreates a opening so i am going to insert the index through in hook the bottom pieceto add to my left hand now my right hand has
one section of hair my left hand has two processrepeats the left hand rotates to the left insert into the opening of the bottom pieceof thread and then continue the same process for the thread and once i have hooked thethread onto the braid well enough i should be able to let go of the thread in the braidis still intact here so now from this point i can bring my left hand that was over myhead down more comfortably keep the sections divided as you see here and just continuebraiding to the very bottom of the thread you would just continue braiding to you getto the very bottom until you cant go any further all all once you braided down to the verybottom you just want to grab the bottom grap the bottom of your yarn braid twirl it aroundyour finger to create a knot once you create
a knot you are going to squeeze it reallytight until its as flat and as tight as you can possibly get it and then you take yourscissors once again and then you going to trim off the bottom piece of yarn that's underneathyour knot to complete your braid once you've done that you can go ahead and skim any piecesthat stick out from your yarn braid and then your yarn braid is complete in this step ihave shown you in detail how to do your yarn braid first show you how to section your yardpieces how to position your hands on your yarn and then finally how to braid your ownyarn braids in the next step number 3 i will be giving you my best tips tricks and advicefor doing your yarn braid style