Circular Knitting Pattern Question

welcome to the photoshop training channel.i have another awesome tutorial for you, guys, today. it's a baseball jersey inspired effect.and this effect is requested by one of our followers. in this tutorial, we're going to be creatinga baseball poster from scratch, and i’ll be showing you how you can create the texturefound in the background and within the text. i will, also, show you how to create the stitchingeffect by using a custom brush. so, let's get started. let's start out by creating anew document. so i'm going to press ctrl n on my keyboard, that's command n on the mac.then i'm going to set my width to 1280, my height to 720, change my color mode to rgb,and my background contents, i want to set

it to transparent, then press ok. now, before we go any further, we got to createsome guides that are going to help us place us the number and the name of our the first guide we're going to create is a guide to divide everything in the center,and right now, this is set to percentage. so 50 will always be the center, both horizontallyand vertically. so, i'm going to create my first guide to split the document down atthe middle, and you'll notice that that snaps right at 50%. i'm going to change this intopixels. and the next guide, i'm going to create, it's going to be 50 pixels tall, which isgoing to be the margin on top, and i can take that same marquee and snap it down at thebottom, and create another guide to create

the 50 pixels margin at the bottom. and, bythe way, if you don't see the rulers, you can press ctrl r or command r on the mac,to show and hide the rulers. now, let's create the space where we're going to have the, from the guide down here at the bottom, i'm going to create a selection. this is 415pixels high, and by the way, you might not have photoshop cs6, so you won't be able touse this selection to show you the number. in photoshop cs6, you have that visual aidthat tells you how wide and high the selection is. but anyway, so this is 415 pixels high,and i'm going to bring that down. so we're going to have the number in this space andthe name in this space, here. and that is just going to help us place it better. so,now that we created our guides, let's move

on into creating the background. so, we'regoing into the adjustment layer icon and create a solid color. i already have a blue predeterminedfor this and i want to give you a number for that, that's 0a356f. press ok when you'redone, and you can rename this layer "background." but in reality, this is the texture to ourjersey. but that's okay, "background" is a good name, and i'm going to go ahead and deletethe layer mask since we don't really need it and it makes things a little cleaner. it'snot really necessary. i just like doing it. i'm going to go ahead and double click onthe layer to open up the layer style window, and we're going to add a pattern overlay.and the pattern that i'm going to use is this one here, titled "woven wide." and, by theway, if you don't see these patterns, just

go to the fly out menu and select patterns,and you should get the patterns you see here. and the blending mode for this pattern, i'mgoing to set to soft light, and the opacity is going to be 15%, and i'm going to changethe scale of this all the way down to 5%, so you can barely see it. and, actually, fromthis view you can't really see it. so i'm going to press ok, and i'm going to zoom inso you can see the pattern we've created. so there you go. it looks a lot like the patternyou'll see on a modern jersey. so i'm going to go ahead and zoom out, and it's time tobring in our text. so i'm going to press t on the keyboard for the type tool, and i'mgoing to type in the number 48. i'm going to press ctrl enter to accept the changes,press ctrl t to transform, and fit this number

right in the area that we created for it;right in-between those guides. and, by the way, i'm using a font called jersey m54. youcan download it from, and you can just search for this font, and then clickon download. so, by the way, i'm going to have this link on my website you're not there already, go there, find this tutorial, and you can find a direct linkto this font so you can download it. anyway, so this is the font that i'm that i have my text right where i want it, i'm, actually, inside the text layer,so to get out of it, i'm going to press ctrl enter, that's command return on the mac, andwe're going to add some layer styles to this layer. so i'm going to double click on thelayer, and i'm going to move this to the side

so that we can see the number just a littlebit better. and we're going to add a color overlay. and the color we want for this isbb0101, which is this dark red, here, and press ok. then, we're going to add a stroke,and this is going to be a white stroke. press ok. and we're going to make this into a 8-pixelstroke, but we're going to change the position to center. and that's going to give 4 pixelsinside of the layer, and 4 pixels outside of the layer. then, we're going to changethe fill type into gradient, so we have a gradient, but we're going to change the styleto shape burst. so the gradient follows the shape. so, as you can see, the dark is alwaysin the outside, and the light is always in the inside.

so, we're going to adjust how the gradientlooks. we're going to add another black swatch to this, so you can create swatches by doubleclicking on it and, double clicking on it, again, to select the color. i'm just goingto click and drag this one out to delete it. and the white is at 50%, which, it's rightin the center of the gradient. so it creates this beveling effect around the stroke. now,i don't want to leave these at blacks since they're a little bit too strong, so what i'mgoing to do is i'm going to double click on the swatches and change the brightness to75%, and i'll do the same thing for the other one, then i'll press ok. so, now, it's a muchmore subtle effect, which is what we're going for, and then, press ok.

now we're going to add an inner glow. andthis glow is going to, actually, be a shadow. so we're going to change the color to black,and we're going to change the blending mode to normal. we're, then, going to increasethe size of this to 10 pixels, and you can kind of see the glow coming out of there,and we're going to change the choke to 50%, and you can see how that's looking, this is a little too strong. so what we're going to do is we're going to bringthe opacity to 15%, like so, and we're going to do the same thing, but with an outer glowthis time. so, we're going to click on outer glow, and we're going to go to normal. we'regoing to select a black color. we're going to bring that opacity to 15%, 10 pixels, andfor the spread we're going to go to 20. and

now that i'm looking at it, the opacity mightbe a little too light, so let's pump that up a little bit. let's leave it at 20. howabout that? i think that looks a little bit better. and, then, we're going to give these numbersa pattern as well. so we're going to click on pattern overlay, but once we click on patternoverlay, we can't see the pattern because the color overlay is right above that. solet's hide it for a moment and we're going to select this pattern here. it's titled herringboneno. 2, click on that, and we're going to leave the opacity to 100%, but this scale is goingto go to 60%, like so. and we're going to come back to our color overlay, and we'regoing to change the opacity of our color overlay

to 95%, so that way, the texture we just added,the pattern, is barely visible, and you can’t see it here, but i'm going to zoom in in amoment so you can see it. so i'm going to press ok on that, and i'm going to zoom in,and now you can see what we did. there's a very subtle shadow around the numbers. youcan see around here, on the side. the subtle texture and, obviously, what we did beforethe pattern over our jersey. so i'm going to zoom out. and, by the way, i zoom out byholding alt and the mouse wheel, and that's option mouse wheel on the mac. actually, i'mgoing to zoom out just a little bit more so we can see everything. okay. now that we have our numbers created,it's time to create the stitching that's going

to go around these numbers. so, if you'veseen baseball jerseys, sometimes they have a stitch that goes around the numbers. solet's create that and the easiest way to create this is actually in illustrator. so we'regoing to go into illustrator to quickly create this. if you don't have illustrator, you cantry creating it on your own in photoshop, or you can just go to my website this tutorial and i'll have that file for you there to download. so, let's go intoillustrator first. okay, so here we are in illustrator, and i'm going to go into file,new, to create a new document. and we're going to create a document that's 100 pixels wideby 100 pixels tall. then, i'm going to press ok. i'm going to select the pen tool and i'mgoing to click on the corner here. i'm going

to find the center of this document, and inillustrator, you have these guides that help you out. do you see that green line there,going from top to bottom? it's telling me that this is the center of this image, soi'm going to click on that. and then, i'm going to click on the othercorner, here, like so, to create this "v." then, i'm going to click on my move tool,select my path, and just remove the color—the white color—from the fill, since i don'twant any fill, so, now, we have our red line through it. then i'm going to change the strokeof my path to 10 points, like so, so you get something much wider, and i'm going to clickon my path, again, and i'm going to click on the handle here, and scale that in. i'mgoing to hold alt to scale this from the center,

like so. and, i'm going to bring the bottompart up, so this point, here, is way at the bottom, right on the tip of the canvass there,like so. okay. so this is going to be our stitching, and i'm going to move that downby using the arrow keys on the keyboard, just like you do in photoshop. then i'm going toselect it, and i'm going to go into edit, copy. i'm going to come back into photoshop.i'm going to open a new document, press ok, and then, i'm going to paste it into my newdocument. now, this window is asking me what i wantto paste. i want to paste a smart object, a pixel, a path, or a shape layer? pixel isfine, so just press ok and press enter. then, you can zoom in, so you can see your shapea little bit better, and everything's looking

pretty good. the only thing i'm going to dois we're just going to crop it, right here. i don't want this space, here, at the bottom,so i'm just going to go image, crop, and that's going to crop that out. and what we're goingto do is we're going to create a new brush so we can create the stitching. so, then,now that we have this, we can go into edit, define brush preset, and we're just call thispreset "stitching" and i'm going to press ok. then, i'm going to open up a new window,just so we can see what we're working with, and the width and height, really, doesn'tmatter, but i want something that's fairly big so we could see what's going on. i'm goingto change the background color to white, press ok, and i'm going to select the brush tool,and i'm going to find the preset we just created.

it should be way at the bottom, here, in thecorner, and if you hover over it, you'll see the name and it's called "stitching," whichis exactly what we wanted. and, if we start painting, you kind of seewhat we got, but it's not exactly what we're looking for. so, we're going into the brushpanel, and we're going to change the brush tip shape, and we're going to change the spacingfirst. so the spacing, we're going to set to something like 82. we'll see how that looks.and that looks pretty good. so if i were to come back to my canvass and draw, you'll seethat the stitching is looking pretty good. now, the problem with that is if i go up anddown, the stitching doesn't follow, so it's not looking too good. i'm going to undo thosechanges. and i'm going to go to shape dynamics

and turn that on. and i'm not going to changeany of the default, but i do have to make sure that the control for the angle jitteris set to direction, so now, every time i paint with this brush, the stitching follows,and this is more of what we want. so let's test this out and see how this isgoing to work on a shape. so i'm going to create a shape, and this is, again, just totest that out. and i'm just going to select anyone of these shapes. it really doesn'tmatter, so we can select the heart, for example, and we have our heart. by the way, i'm goingto open up the paths panel. we have our paths panel here now. now we have the work paththat we just created, and we're going to stroke this with our brush. and, as you can see,this is the result, but our brush is a little

too big, so why don't we press ctrl alt zto undo those changes, and we're going to make the brush a little bit smaller. so, let'smake that about 30 and you can kind of paint on there and see if that works. that mightbe a little too big, so let's set it to 20, and 20 seems it will do a good job. so, i'mjust going to undo all those changes, go back into my path. select stroke path. select brushonce again, and that looks much, much better, and this is exactly what we want for the stitchingin our jersey. so, i'm going to hide this panel for now,and i'm going to close this document. i don't need it. i don't need to save it, so i'm justgoing to close it and i'm going to come back into our jersey. so, now, we got to strokethe numbers using that brush. i'm going to

go back into the layers panel, and what i'mgoing to do is i'm going to create a new layer, and i'm going to call this layer "stitching."then, i'm going to come back into our text layer, hold ctrl, that's command on the mac,and click to make a selection out of that number, go back into our paths panel, andyou can do one of two things. you can click on this icon, here, which is the make workpath from selection icon, or you can come into the fly out menu, here, and click onmake work path. and the tolerance for this, i'm going to leave it at this lowest possiblesetting, which is 0.5, and then press ok. and this created a path that follows our selection;in this case, the numbers. so, i'm going to go back into the layers panel,make sure that the stitching layer is selected.

go back into the paths panel, and click onstroke path with brush, press ok. and it creates that path you see there. now, i'm going tozoom in and this is what it created. now, we're going to go back into the layers panel,and in our stitching layer, i'm going to double click on that to create a new layer style.i'm going to set the color overlay to white, and, actually, an off white, just right belowwhite, so something like 96% brightness or something like that. then, press ok, and i'mgoing to add a drop shadow, and we're going to make this into a faint shadow, so i'm goingto bring in this size to 1 pixel, and bring the distance in to something very, very smallthat you can barely see, maybe, like 2 pixels, and bring the opacity down to something like50%, maybe, even less. let's try 40%. that

seems to be okay for now. we can come backand make changes if need be a little later. and, you know what? i'm looking at it andi still think we need less, so let's just make it 35, and i think that's good, and pressok. and i'm going to zoom out so we can see the changes we have so far. and now that i'mlooking at this, it's not looking the way that i wanted. the stroke is a little toostrong. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on the marquee tool. and, by theway, before i do that, i'm going to deselect my work path so nothing is selected. go backinto my layers panel, and select the stitching we created and i'm going to hit backspaceon my keyboard to delete the pixels. i didn't delete the layers because i still want tokeep the same drop shadow and color overlay

that we applied, but i don't want those pixels.i thought the stitching was a little too big. so i'm going to click on my brush tool onceagain, and this time, i'm probably going to do 15, and that will be okay. let me do atest. so at 15 pixels, i think that's much better. so, i'm going to undo those changes,make sure my stitching layer is selected. go into paths. click on my work path and clickstroke path with the brush. and, now, we get a much better stitching look to our numbers.i'm going to press ctrl h to hide all the extras, and i'm going to go back into my layerspanel. and now that i have everything here, i'm going to select the stitching and thelayer 1, which is, actually, an extra text layer i created somehow, so i'm just goingto delete that.

so i'm going to grab the stitching, grab thenumber, press ctrl g to make a group, and just title that group "number." and now thati have the number selected, i'm going to press ctrl j to duplicate it, and, by the way, ctrlj to duplicate groups only works in cs6, so, if you have cs5 or below, you're going tohave to duplicate it by clicking and dragging it into the new layer icon. then, i'm goingto rename this layer to "name." and i'm going to move that up, somewhere around there fornow. and, by the way, pressing ctrl ; (semicolon), and that's command ; on the mac, brings upthe guides. so that's one way of bringing it back. then i'm going to press ctrl t, andi'm going to transform it so the number now fits in the space that i created for the name,like so. i'm going to open up this group,

and we're going to have to redo the stitching,so i'm just going to delete the pixels off of there, by doing what we did before—selectingthose pixels and hitting backspace on the keyboard—and i'm going to have to adjustthe stroke a little bit. so, right now, it's set to 6 pixels. let's change that to 6. andwe're going to bring in the inner glow just a little bit. it's a little too strong andpress ok. okay, so now, before we create the stitching,we got to change the number to a name. so i'm going to double click on the text layerthumbnail, and i'm going to change the number to a name. in this case, i'm going to usejrfromptc, and i'm going to center this. so, i'm going to select from and change this tothe number 22, and, actually, it might still

be a little too big. so, maybe, 20; let'sdo 18; yeah, 18. so jrfromptc, and, by the way, if you're wondering, this is actuallya shameless plug, here. this is my twitter name. so if you like to follow me, well, now,you know what my twitter name is. feel free to send me a tweet with any comment, message,or anything else that you like. i'm going to press ctrl enter, that's command enteron the mac, to accept the changes. i'm going to press v on the keyboard to bring the movetool, and i'm going to center this text layer. and now that i have the name, i'm going tocreate an arc because that's the names on jerseys are. they're sort of in an arc, butnot in a straight line. so, to do that, i'm going to double click on the text layer thumbnail,and i'm going to add a text warp. and in the

warp text window, i'm going to select arc,and that arc is way too big, so i'm just going to bring that all the way down and, i think,i'm going to have an arc of about 13 or 12; 12 seems okay, so i'll leave that there. so now that i've created that, i'm going topress ctrl enter, command enter once again. press ctrl t, command t, to transform. i'mgoing to hold shift and alt, click on one of the corner handles, and scale that in soit fits within the area we created for the name, like so. okay. now that we have thename, it's time to add the stitching, so we'll ctrl click, command click on the text layerthumbnail to create the selection around the text. we'll go into paths, make work path0.5 pixels, press ok. with the work path selected,

make sure the stitching layer is selected,and make sure that you select the entire path, and go into stroke path. and you're goingto use the brush tool, of course. and it's going to create the stitching for that i'm going to press ctrl h to hide all the extras, command h on the mac. and, you knowwhat? the stitching, once again, looks a little too big. so i'm going to press ctrl z to undothat. we go into the brush, and we're going to make this into 12 pixels. we'll see howthat works out. i'm going to make sure the path is selected, and then go into the layerspanel, make sure "stitching" is selected; back into the path panel, and click on strokepath with our brush. and press ctrl h to hide the guides. press it once more to hide everything.and now our stitching is looking much better.

so, let me zoom out a little bit so we cansee what we got so far. and really quick, i'm going to go back into the layers panel,and now, we're going to create a vignette just to center this a little bit better. so,i'm going to make sure that the path is not selected. i'm going to click on layers. i'mgoing to add a new gradient adjustment layer. i'm going to set this to radial, and clickon reverse. and, by the way, make sure that you're selecting the transparent to blackfill, like so. then, press ok, and you can change the scale of this as need be. so inmy case, it's 278% or something like that. so the outside areas are dark, creating thatvignette, so then, press ok. and, i'm going to duplicate this, and the bottom one, i'mgoing to double click on the gradient icon.

i'm going to uncheck reverse; i'm going toclick on that. i'm going to click on this swatch, here, at the bottom. i'm going toset that to white, and i'll do the same thing for the other one, so they're both set towhite. and i'm going to change the scale. i'm going to bring that in. and, obviously,this is going to be my highlight, and i'll press ok. and the highlight, it's going tobe set to 30% opacity, and i'm going to change the blending mode to overlay, to create thathighlight you see there. by the way, this is a little too strong, so i'm going to bringthat down, so, maybe, 85% or so. so, now, we have our vignette. we have our highlight.and one cool thing about creating this highlight, if i double click on the gradient again, ican click and drag that around if you want

to move your highlight to another area. buti don't want to do that. i'm just going to press cancel. okay, guys, that's our tutorial right there.and this is the final result. i'll zoom in a little bit just so you can see the detaila little bit better, and there it is. okay, so we were done with our tutorial, but theni got an idea and tried it out. and it actually worked out pretty good. so, now, i want toshow you guys. and that's kind of how i do things here at the photoshop training channel.i have my idea for a tutorial, and if something comes up as i'm doing it, i'll show it toyou, guys. anyway, that way, you, guys, can learn from different random ideas i, now that we're done with this tutorial,

i'm just going to click on all these layers,press ctrl g to group them, and i'm just going to call this "text" because, you know, essentially,it's the text. and, actually, these two layers, the highlight and vignette are not part ofthat, so, only the text, here, which are the name and number. okay. and i have an image of a shirt, here,and i've already gone ahead and masked out everything around it. so, i'm going to grabthis shirt. i'm going to bring that into our composition, and i'm going to place it rightabout here, like so. and i'm going to change the blending mode to multiply, and i'm goingto create a new adjustment layer curves, and i'm going to create a clipping mask by holdingalt or command in-between the two layers,

and clicking, so you get this arrow rightnext to the adjustment layer icon. so, now, with any changes i make, only apply to thislayer. so i want to bring out the darkness, the shadows of that jersey. and if i movethis around, you can kind of see the effect that i'm going for, like you see the shadowaffecting the text on the jersey. so it kind of looks as if the folds were on the, i can place that, maybe, here. and, again, you see the folds in the jersey, like so. so, i'm just going to place this, more orless, where i want it; something like, somewhere there, so i get this nice fold here on thej. then, you know what? actually, i'm going to grab this background layer and add it intothe text folder, and, actually, i want that

at the bottom, like so. and now that i havethis in one layer, i'm going to convert it into a smart object. that way, it's just nicelytucked away and i can distort it non-destructively if i want to. i'm going to ctrl click on theshirt layer mask, and i'm just going to click on the layer mask, here, to create exactlythe same mask. i'm going to add a color fill. black is fine. i'm going to drag that allthe way to the bottom, like so. now, i'm going to click above the curves adjustment layer,add a new layer, click on the brush, and just select a soft brush. and make it pretty big,maybe, 400 might be a little too big, so somewhere around 300, 320. and, now, i can start paintingin some shadows in here. and, by the way, if you make a shadow that's really strong,like that one, you can always fade it by going

into edit, and fade that down to somethingthat you want to work with. so, maybe, something like that. okay. and if the shadows are toostrong, of course, you can bring the opacity down, like that. we took the original name,number and texture, and applied it to a jersey, which i think is a much cooler effect thanwhat i originally had in mind. so, i hope you enjoyed that little extra tip. i thoughtabout it after i was done with the tutorial, and i figured, we will take it one extra step. well, guys, as always, i hope you enjoyedthis tutorial. if you have any questions, you can ask them down below. don't forgetto add me on facebook. follow me on youtube, and, of course, follow me on twitter, if you're watching this video and you like

the work that i do, then follow me on twitter,jrfromptc. and, of course, go to my website and enter youremail address on the sidebar to get access to my subscriber only tutorials. as always,i hope you learned something from this tutorial. thank you for watching, and i'll talk to you,guys, next time.