Loom Knitting Ideas Pinterest

hi everyone i'm jacy from craft life and i'mhere today to teach you how to make the basic phone case with one loom. this tutorial isfor everyone who has had trouble making the basic phone case. if you are more advancedand you want to go faster because i am going to go very slow and cover everything withyou and if you're more advanced and you want to go faster please check out my other basicphone case tutorial. i hope this tutorial helps everyone who has had trouble. the suppliesyou will need are one loom. i am going to show you how to set them up later. your rainbowloom hook or a crochet hook [noise] and rubber bands. [noise] i am using blue [noise] andyellow. [noise] please get your supplies and get ready for step one.this is step one. tostart were are going to take our looms apart.

so, take your looms apart. [noise of takingapart looms] we will only be using two rows and our two small blue pieces, not our bigblue piece or our last row. [noise] so what you are going to do is make sure your arrowis pointing away from you on this peg and turn this one around so that the arrow ispointing towards you. [noise] now you are going to take a blue piece, lay this on thevery end on both sides. [noise] push these down and do the same for the other side. laythe blue piece on the very end and push these down. [noise] now we are going to lay ourbottom row and the bottom of our phone case. so, to start we are going to take a rubberband. we're starting on this peg. you're going to make an x. just like that, push this down.now we are going to go from here to here.

make an x and push it down. so now we x'sand we just made an x. so we are going to start where this one stopped. make an x, pushit down. start where this one stopped. make an x, push it down. now we're going to continuemaking x's where the last one stopped. so make an x here and keep going down. [noiseof placing bands on loom] start where this one stopped. and keep going all the way downuntil you get to these two. [noise placing rubber bands on the loom, placing rubber bandson the loom...placing rubber bands on the loom] ok. now when you get to your last two,you are going to go back to where you started onto these two pegs and we're going to makean x from peg to peg all the way down. so make an x from peg to peg, push it down. makean x from peg to peg, push it down. make an

x from peg to peg, push it down and continuethis. [ noise of placing rubber bands on the loom.....placing rubber bands on the loom]now we have just laid our bottom row. this is our bottom row and there are three loopson every peg except the end pegs because they have two loops. so there's three loops onthis peg all the way down here and there's two loops on each end peg. now we're goingto lay our top row, our next row. and so we're going to start on this peg. make sure thisrows arrow is pointing towards you and you're going to lay your rubber bands for your toprow. [noise] we're going to lay them all the way down here. [noise] keep them pushed up.you don't want to mix them in with the bottom row. [noise] go down. [noise] now, as youcan see, we have a bottom row and a top row.

you're going to continue to lay your top rowall the way around until you get back to this peg. i'll be right back. every time you getback to this peg, all you're going to do is lay the rubber band down. usually i just makeyou pull this one up and place this one down. but you just put it down and you don't needto lift it up. so now i have a bottom row and a top row, and what i am going to do,is take my bottom row, on this peg there are two rubber bands, and i am going to just bringthem over the top row and push this down. now i am going to go to my next peg and i'mgoing to bring my bottom row, which is three rubber bands, [noise] and pull this over thetop. now i am going to go to my next one which has three rubber bands. pull this over thetop. [noise] go to your next one. there should

be three rubber bands. pull this over thetop row. [noise] now keep bringing your bottom row over the top row. you should have threerubber bands on each peg until you get to your end ones. they have two. [noise of rubberbands on the loom] make sure you're grabbing all your loops in your bottom row or elseyour bottom row will not be complete. [noise] now this one has two rubber bands insteadof three and so does this one. [noise turns around the loom] you can always pull yourloops down so you can see your bottom row while you're hooking. [more noise] and rememberthis is called bringing your rows down. [more noise from the rubber bands] make sure youbring your bottom loops over the top on all of these. so now this is our bottom row. makesure you push it down. [noise] and what i'm

going to do is continue to lay rubber bandsin a clockwise rotation all the way around. so now this is our top row and this is ourbottom row. [more noise] so keep laying your rubber bands. [noise] and go all the way around.[more noise of rubber bands being put on the loom.] now go to this side. [noise] and goall the way back. [more noise of the rubber bands being put on the loom.] and once youget back to this one, you can just lay your rubber band down. as you can see, as we broughtdown our row, there are thick rubber bands all the way around. which means this is ourbottom row. and this is going to show up every time you bring your rows down. so i'm goingto continue to bring my row down, my bottom two. [noise] now there are two loops on eachpeg. bring your bottom two over the top, all

the way around. and you're going to continuethis for five more rows. i'm not going to do them on camera. and you're going to beable to count five thick rubber bands. as they build up, you will be able to count themand your sixth row should be on your loom. i'm going to continue to bring my row down,all the way around and i'll be right back. i just wanted to show you what it looks likeafter i've brought my first row down, and now i have two thick rubber bands. and whatyou want to do is continue the pattern of laying your rubber bands in a clockwise rotationand bringing your rows down all the way around in a counter-clockwise rotation. every timeyou bring your row down, you want to push your loops down, so that your next row becomesyour bottom row and you can lay another top

row. and remember you have two rows on eachpeg. you're just bringing your bottom row over the top each time. so continue this forfive more rows and you should be able to count five thick rubber bands and your sixth row,should be on your loom. i'm not going to do all five rows with you. so, i'll be rightback. this is what mine looks like after five more rows and i'm able to count five rowsby pushing my loops down with my finger, pulling this down and i'm able to count one, two,three, four, five. now i'm going to start the opening of my phone case. to do that youare going to make sure your arrow is pointing towards you on this row. and you are goingto count three pegs. and now you can see that you have two loops on each peg, we're goingto stick our hook in the third peg. pull out

the bottom loop, over the top. make sure itlatches on your one loop that you just hooked. now you're going to stick your hook in, wehave three loops and we are going to grab our bottom loop. [noise] so stick your hookin, grab your bottom loop, over the top, make sure it hooks all of your loops on your peg.you should be able to do this, make sure you have hooked it. now we have three loops onthis one. you're going to stick your hook in, grab your bottom loop over the top. [noise]make sure it latches on all your loops. like that. now grab your bottom loop over the top.make sure it latches on your loops. [noise] stick your hook in, grab your bottom loopover the top. just make sure it latches on all of your loops for every single one. andwe are going to go one more, to our third

peg. so you should be able to count threepegs on this side. and bring your row over. [noise] just like that. now we are going tomake sure this is all hooked. so go through and look at all of your loops. make sure theyare all hooked. and now what you are going to do, count to your third peg. then go toyour next one over, so your fourth peg. and just bring these loops over the top. [noise]this will fall apart if you have not hooked correctly. [noise] so go down. [noise] countthree loops on this side. so i have one more. [noise] and make sure you have three loopson each side. [noise] now that you've brought down all these rows, actually you've takenoff these rows, you're going to start your sides. to do that, you're going to take yourcolor or your rubber band. you're going to

start on this peg. you're going to go down.and this is going to become our top row. [noise] not our bottom row. [noise] go around andcontinue making your top row all the way around. [noise of rubber bands being put on the loomand more noise. the loom is moving making more noise] and go down to this one. [noise]now you can tell that our bottom row is on the bottom and our top row is the one we justlaid. so, we're going to take our loops over the top. this one has one loop because wehooked this one. you're just going to grab it over the top. now grab these two over thetop. [noise] push these down. now we are going to grab our next two over the top [noise]and continue this all the way around. now we are going to go to this side because wewant to hook so that the c's are towards us.

[noise] so bring these over the top. [noise]grab your two over the top and this one had three by the way. this one had three loops.[noise] bring these two over the top. [noise] now we are going to go down on this side andcontinue this. bring your bottom loops over the top. [more noise from bringing the bottomloops over the top on the loom] now you're just going to continue the process of layingyour rubber bands in a clockwise rotation and bringing your rows down. [noise] eachone will have two rubber bands except these two end ones. and you're just going to bringthese down in a [noise] counter-clockwise rotation [noise] and push your loops downevery single time you bring down your rows. you should be able to count twelve rows onthe sides. and to count these, you just get

these loops that are really easy to count.and you can just stick your hook in and count them. you should have twelve of these andmake sure your thirteen row is on your loom. [noise] i'm going to do mine and i'll be rightback. this is what mine looks like after i've done twelve more rows. my thirteenth row ison my pegs right now. and please make sure you have kept your empty pegs empty. makesure there is nothing on them right now because this is the opening to your phone case. nowwe are going to start our top. and to do that we are just going to start on this peg now,and you are going to take your rubber band [noise] and go around all the way in a clockwiserotation. [noise] make sure your bottom row is pushed down before you do this. [more noise]now lay your top row all the way around until

you get back to this peg. [more noise fromthe rubber bands being placed on the loom] when you get to your empty pegs, you're justgoing to lay rubber bands like you normally will. [noise] so [noise] just lay them downeven though there is nothing else on those pegs. [noise] and push these down. [noise]and go back to normal on these. [noise] and just, when you get back to this one, [noise]just lay it down. now what you are going to do, is we're going to take our bottom loopsover the top and we're going to start on this peg over here [noise] since there is justone, we're just going to grab our one over the top. push these down cause this is nowour bottom row. push these down. now we're going to take these two over the top [noise]push these down [noise] take these two over

the top. push these down [noise] now turnyour loom around [noise] we're going to grab our next two over the top and continue takeyour bottom two over the top each time. [more noise from taking the bottom rubber bandsover the top on the loom] now push these down. remember push your loops down because thisbecomes our next bottom row. [more noise from turning the loom] once you get back to thisone and there's only one, just take it over. [noise] now what you're going to do is wewant to get these back to normal and we don't want it to fringe out. we want it to looknice. [noise] so what you're going to do is take this loop right here inside this hook,this peg, over the top. make sure it latches on this loop. [noise] now continue takingyour bottom loop over the top. [noise] and

this is really easy because you only haveone bottom loop each time. well one loop on your peg. [more noise] until you get backto your third one and you don't have to hook this one over. [more noise] now what we aregoing to do is lay another row. push these down because this becomes our bottom row.[noise] and lay your next row. [noise] so we are going to go all the way around ourloom. [more noise from laying the next row of rubber bands around the loom] oh, i madea mistake here, you're not going on the end, you're just going there. sorry. we're goingto go down [more noise from the rubber bands] even on our empty pegs that we have just hooked.we're going to keep going down. [more noise from rubber bands] even on this one we arejust going to lay a rubber band down. and

make sure you lay your rubber bands only wherewe've been laying them. don't go outside like i just did and now we are going to bring ourrow down. [noise] so now we're just going to go around in a counter-clockwise rotation.so there are two loops on this bottom row, for each one, take them over the top. [noise]take your next two bottom over the top. [noise] and push these two down. now for this one,there is just one loop. you're just going to bring it over the top. push it down. [noise]now for these, you're going to take what we have just hooked, there are two loops here,bring them over the top. these two, over the top. what we have just hooked, two loops,over the top. push these down. take our next two hooked loops, over the top. next two,over the top. and once we get back to this

one, we're just going to take all three overthe top. [noise] our next two, over the top. and our next two over the top. now push thesedown. [noise] and go down this one. [noise] so take your next two, each time. [noise]there will be two loops on each peg all the way down. [more noise from bringing the bottomrows over the top rows.] and bring these two over the top. [noise] now what you're goingto do is you're going to continue laying rubber bands in a clockwise rotation. then you aregoing to bring your loops down, bring your rows down, all the way around in a counter-clockwiserotation. [noise] make sure each time you push your loops down every time you bringthem down because that next row will become your bottom row and then you are just goingto lay your loops down again. so you are going

to continue this for four more rows and makesure your fifth row is on your pegs. i'll be right back. this is what mine looks likeafter i have five rows. actually my sixth row is on the loom, not my fifth row and iam able to count five thick rubber bands. now what you are going to do, is we're goingto end it. so we are going to do exactly what we did in the beginning and to do that you'rejust going to make x's. make an x there. make an x there. [noise] don't push these downbecause this is our top row. [noise] make an x there. [noise] start where this one stopped.make an x here. start where this one stopped and make an x here. now you are going to continuemaking x's where the last one stopped. [noise] all the way down. [more noise from the rubberbands being placed on the loom in the x formation

to form the top] now when you get to the end,we're going to go back to these two and make an x from peg to peg. make an x here. [noise]and go from peg to peg. [more noise from the rubber bands being placed peg to peg makingx's all the way down the loom] now what you're going to do is we are going to bring our bottomloops over the top on all of these pegs. for this one there are two loops. you're goingto bring these over the top. [noise] on this one, there are two loops, bring these overthe top. [noise] on this one, there are two loops. bring them over the top. [noise] andcontinue this all the way around. [more noise from bringing the bottom loops over the topall the way around the loom] take these two, [more noise] keep going. [more noise frombringing the bottom loops over the top all

the way around the loom] now we have justfinished laying the top here. now we're going to hook it. [noise] so, to hook it, we havetwo loops on this peg, a bottom loop and a top loop. what we're going to do, is stickyour hook in, grab that bottom loop over the top. make sure that it hooks on to this one,like this. now for this one, we have four loops on this peg and you want to grab yourbottom loop. make sure that it hooks all your loops. [noise] so it pulls these away fromthe peg. then go to your next one. pull down your bottom loop. [noise] stick your hookin. grab your bottom loop. pull it over the top and remember make sure that it hooks allyour loops and pulls them away from the peg like this one does. [noise] now, pull yourbottom loop down. stick your hook in. [noise]

pull this down. now, pull your bottom loopdown. stick your hook in. pull that out. remember make sure it keep pulling your loops awayor else it will not turn out right. make sure it attaches them like that. [noise] so continueto take your bottom loop over the top. [more noise] and if it's easier for you, you canalways separate your loops from the bottom loop. so that it's easy just to find yourbottom loop and grab it over the top. [noise] pull your bottom loop down. [noise] grab itover the top. make sure it latches all your loops. and you are just going to continuethis all the way around. [more noise from hooking the rubber bands all the way aroundthe loom] so i am going to continue this all the way around until i get back to this peg.please finish this and i'll be right back.

once you get to your last peg, make sure thisone is hooked, and you're just going to stick your hook in these two loops. grab a rubberband. pull this through, oh, let's try that again. stick a rubber band, pull this through.put it back on. [noise] pull this through. make a slip knot. [noise] and pull this tight.and now we can just help our loops off. make sure you have hooked it correctly or elseit will fall apart. just a warning. make sure you've hooked it. and just help them off sowe can take it off our loom. [noise of rubber bands coming off the loom] and on this rowyou can just take them off with your fingers. [more noise of the rubber bands coming offthe loom] at the top, you can just stretch it out so that your loops get adjusted. theyshould adjust and go back to normal. now with

this little loop at the top right here. youcan either attach charms to it or tie it and cut it off or you can even do what nehemiahdid. he attached a wrist strap to it. and you can do a single strand, a fishtail, adragon scale or whatever you would like to do to it. and if you want to see his designit is on the rainbow loom facebook page. so you're done and i hope you enjoy it. [noise]this is what it looks like when it's done. and this phone case does fit the ipod, theiphone, the android and most other phones. and you can add rows if it doesn't fit whereveryou need them. but, these are rubber bands and they do stretch. so, it should fit. andi hope this tutorial has helped all of you who've had trouble making the rainbow loomphone case. and if you have made some, i would

love to see them. i've been tagged in a lotof photos already of your creations and i love seeing them. and you can tag me on instagramat craftlifeusa. i hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make a basic phone case. and don'tforget to like us on facebook, pin it on pinterest, and subscribe right here on youtube. i hopeyou're living a craft life just like me. thank's for watching. bye.