hello, i'm davina of sheepandstitch.com andtoday we're going to knit the cushy cowl. now the cushy cowl is knit in garter stitch,which is great for beginners, and it's also knit in the round. so instead of getting along rectangle like a normal scarf, it knits up into a big circle like an infinity scarf.or if you're in the uk, you might call it a snood. whatever you call it, the cushy cowlis great for looping around your neck. it's like a wooly circle of love. it's awesome. alright, so if you don't have this free pattern,grab it from sheepandstitch.com or click on the url in the description below, meet meback here and we'll get started! alright, so i hope you've got your patternhandy because we're going to go through the
materials list together to make the cushycowl. alright. so, first thing on our list is 180 yards of super bulky yarn. i've gotmalabrigo rasta here, and it's a super soft merino that i love wearing around my neck.so, the next thing that you're going to need is a pair of 12mm or us size 17 circular needles.so these here that i've got are 32-inches in length. so from here to here it measures32-inches. but you can get a pair that's anywhere from 32-inches to 40-inches. so, 12mm willgive you a nice drapey fabric that's not too loose. so, we're going to look at our sampleright here. and you can see that the fabric is actuallyquite drapey and loose. it has some movement to it. it's not stiff. that's really whati want with the cowl. i want the cowl to be
drapey and casual. if you wrap it around yourneck twice, it'll sit really nicely around your neck. it's not going to look stiff. it'lllook really luxurious. so that's what our 12mm needles will give us. it'll give us anice, loose fabric. alright. the next thing we're going to needis a stitch marker. now a stitch marker looks like this. it's basically a little ring. we'regoing to use this to mark the beginning of our round on our circular needle. now, ifyou don't have a stitch marker handy that's okay. you can use a ring! like an actual ringthat you wear on your finger. we can just slip this onto our needle and it'll mark thebeginning of our round. now if you don't have a ring or a stitch marker,you can use a rubber band or a hair tie. basically
anything that is round and ring-like you canuse as a stitch marker. alright. next thing on our list is a tapestry needle. now a tapestryneedle looks like a giant sewing needle. it has a really big eye here, and we're goingto use this to weave in our ends when we're finished our cowl. next thing on our list is a pair of scissors.the last thing that we need is a measuring tape or a ruler. if you've got these thingshandy then we are ready to make the cushy cool. love this. okay, so let's get started. let's move on to the first part of our pattern.we need to use the long tail cast on to cast on 100 stitches. so let's stop right there.if you already know how to do the long tail
cast on, then please go ahead and cast on100 stitches with the long tail cast on and move onto the next part of our pattern, whichis joining in the round. now, if you don't know a thing about the long tail cast on,then that's perfect because i'm going to show you how to do it right now. alright? so ifyou know what's what then move on to the next step. if you don't know a thing - and that'sokay! - then i'm going to show you how to do the long tail cast on. so, for this demonstration i'm not going touse my circular needles here because they're really dark and my yarn is also really dark.you can see it just doesn't show up very well. it's not very clear, so i'm going to use apair of lighter needles. these ones right
here. and the yarn shows up really nicelyon these, so i'm going to stick with these flat needles. you can certainly use your circularneedles or if you want to use flat needles, that's fine too. they're a bit easier to workwith and control, so that's totally fine. so, let's talk about the long tail cast on.why would you want to use the long tail cast on and not the easy cast on? you might bethinking that and i'll tell you why. [indecipherable] i'm going to bring out my sample and showyou why the long tail is a really nice option. if you look at our sample right here, ourcushy cowl, you can see that it is quite stretchy. it's knit up in garter stitch, and garterstitch is by nature very stretchy. so when you've got a stretchy fabric like garter stitch,you want the cast on edge, which is right
up here, to supper that stretchiness. so youwant your cast on edge to also be very stretchy. as you can see, our cast on edge here is verystretchy. it really matches the stretchiness of our fabric so that everything stretchestogether. so in order to get this stretchy edge, we need to use the long tail cast on. so the long tail cast on is perfect for prettymuch any kind of cast on. when you're not sure what cast on to use, use the long tailcast on. it's really foundational and really awesome. so the rule of thumb is: when indoubt, use the long tail cast on. alright, so how do you cast on with the longtail cast on? that is a great question, and i'm going to show you how to do it. so thelong tail cast on is called the long tail
cast on because it uses the long tail of youryarn. now what does that mean? when you make a slipknot like this - and most cast ons startwith a slipknot - you'll notice that our slipknot divides our yarn into two sections. we'vego this area right here, which is our long tail, and we've got this part of our yarn,which is attached to our ball of yarn. this part of our yarn is called the working yarnbecause usually we knit and purl with this part of our yarn - the yarn that's attachedto our ball. and this part of our yarn is called the long tail. it usually doesn't doanything when we're knitting. it just kind of hangs out. when we're casting on with theeasy cast on from a previous video, we're casting on with the working yarn. so the easycast on went something like this. we just
looped our working yarn onto our needle likethis, right? so all of our cast on stitches with the easy cast on were made with our workingyarn. and our long tai ljust kind of hung out at the back. it didn't do anything. but the long tail cast on actually uses thelong tail of the yarn as part of the cast on. so, what we need to do to cast on withthe long tail is we first need to figure out how much of the long tail we need in orderto cast on. we could eyeball it, and some people do. they kind of look at their yarnand go, "okay, i need ten stitches, and i think i can probably get ten cast on stitcheswith this amount of yarn." you could do that, but it's kind of risky because sometimes youget the length wrong and then you realize
that, okay, i don't have enough yarn to caston, and you have to rip it out and start all over again. that kind of blows. that's a bummer. so here's an easier way, a better way, tofigure out how much yarn you need. so what you would do first is you would take youryarn and wrap it around your needle like this. you don't need too much of a tail. just alittle like this is perfectly fine. so wrap your yarn around your needle -use the needleyou'll actually be casting on with - and wrap it around the number of times that you needstitches. for example, if you need to cast on ten stitches, wrap your yarn around tentimes. so we've got our first wrap here, and we're going to do our second wrap. two, three,four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
cool. so pinch the point where you have thelast wrap and take your needle right off of the yarn. and now you know that this lengthof yarn is going to give you ten cast on stitches.that's enough to cast on ten stitches. i usuallygive it a couple inches more to give me some cushion. so let's start casting on. i know this will give me ten cast on stitches.and this is the point where i'm going to make my slipknot. so i'm going to make my slipknotwith a loop. bring the yarn tail to the back and pick it out through the loop. so now i'vegot my slipknot. so i'm going to take my slipknot and put it onto my needle, and tighten itup like this. so this is looking a lot like our easy cast on.but this is where thingsget a little bit different with the long tail
cast on. with the long tail cast on, i need my longtail up in the front. right now my working yarn is in the front and my long tail is inthe back. i don't want that. i want my long tail in the front. so, i'm going to take mystitch, pull it right off the needle, turn it around, and put it right back on the needle.pretty easy right? so now my long tail is up in the front and my working yarn is inthe back, and that's exactly how i want it. alright! let's start casting on now. thisis where my weird ditty comes in. in order to start casting on with the long tail, we'regoing to need our left hand and our two fingers. and what we're going to do with these twofingers on our left hand is we're going to
clamp down on these two yarn threads. in addition,i'm going to take my finger up here and secure my first stitch on my needle because i don'twant it to roll around like this. i want it secure. so, left hand, these two fingers clamp downon our yarn threads like this. then i'm going to take my thumb and my forefinger and i'mgoing to push open these two yarn threads like this. so again: left hand, two fingers,clamp down on these two yarn threads. then with our thumb and forefinger, we're goingto push open these two yarn threads. so i call this the clamp and open sesame. i don'tknow why, but it kind of stuck, and most people who i teach this to pick it up really quicklybecause it's kind of weird. okay, so left
hand, two fingers, clamp. thumb and forefingeropen sesame. you can see that you get a diamond shape or a fortune cookie shape when you dothat. so you want your clamping to be pretty tight because you don't want your hand toslide down. if you have a really loose clamp then your hand might slide down and you don'twant that. you want a firm clamp and an open sesame. so try that motion a few times. youcan certainly say it out loud. then try moving your hand back and forth like this, okay?move your hand back and forth and get comfortable with the motion of clamping, opening sesame,and moving your hand back and forth. once you're comfortable doing that, then we'regoing to start putting some stitches on this needle.
once you're comfortable we're going to startall over again. we're going to use our left hand and clamp, open sesame. then, we're goingto move our hand to the front like this so that i can see all of my fingers and see thesetwo yarn threads flowing through my fingers. then i'm going to take my needle, touch itto my thumb, go through the loop on my thumb like this, turn my hand, take my needle andgo through the second loop. then i'm going to bring it through the original loop on mythumb like this and pull down. let go of everything and pull down. and there we go! here's ourfirst cast on stitch with the long tail cast on. pretty cool, huh? so we're going to dothat again. left hand, two fingers, clamp down, open sesame, i'm going to take my hand,move it to the front so that i can see all
of my fingers, i'm going to take my needleand touch it to my thumb, go through the loop on my thumb, turn my hand again, go throughthe second loop here and go through the original loop on my thumb. then, pull down. so therewe go! there's our third cast on stitch with the long tail cast on. so you would go through the exact same motionsuntil you get the number of stitches that you want. so, two fingers, clamp, open sesame,turn your hand to the front, touch your thumb, through the loop, turn your hand, throughthe second loop and then back through the original loop on your thumb, pull down. onceyou get the hang of this, you can go pretty quickly and you can get a rhythm on it. youcan cast on a lot of stitches really quickly,
but when you're first getting started it'sa little bit funky and the hand gymnastics might be hard to manoeuvre. but if you getstuck, just say it out loud: two fingers clamp, open sesame, turn your hand to the front,touch your thumb, through the loop, turn your hand again, second loop and the back throughthe original loop, pull down. i want to show you what's going on. so themore stitches you cast on, the shorter the long tail. our long tail is four inches orso right now. that's what i mean when i say that you need to figure out how much yarnyou need for your casting on or else you could get to the very end of your long tail andrealise, oh my gosh, i have five stitches i need to cast on and then you've got to pullit off and start from the beginning again.
that's no fun. so always measure out how muchyarn you're going to need for your long tail so, try that a few times. once you get usedto it, you can start casting on 100 stitches for your cowl. now a little note about castingon 100 stitches. earlier i said that you should figure out how much yarn you're going to needby wrapping your yarn around your needle. so with your circular needle i would not advisethat you wrap your yarn around 100 times because that's going to get clumsy and unwieldy reallyquickly. a better way to do this is to wrap your yarn around ten times first. so, let'sdo that. take our yarn and wrap it around the circular needle like this ten times. sohere's two wraps. three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. let's pinch thatpart, take our needle off. now we know that
this length of yarn is going to give us tenstitches to cast on. so if we want to know how much yarn we'll need for 20 stitches,we would fold this length of yarn against our working yarn. now i know that this amountof yarn - from our tip to this area - will give us 20 stitches because i folded in halfthe length of yarn it takes to make ten cast on stitches. so we can keep going. once weknow how much length of yarn we need for ten stitches we can keep going in multiples often by folding our yarn agains the working yarn. so, here i've got enough yarn for 20 stitches.if i fold it again i know i've got enough yarn for 30 stitches. an easier way to dothis would be to measure our yarn against
20 stitches. this is good for 20 stitches.i'm going to pinch this point, which is our 20 stitch point, and unfold it. this is goodfor 20, so i can just fold it against my working yarn and now i know that this amount of yarnwill give me 40 stitches. if i fold it again, then this amount of yarn will give me 60 stitches.and if i fold it yet again, i've got enough yarn for 80 stitches. if i fold it one moretime, then i know that this amount of yarn will give me enough yarn to cast on 100 stitches.so right here will give me enough yarn for 100 stitches. this is a long yarn tail. lookat this. you can unravel it a bit and set it aside. this is our whole yarn tail! this is the point where we would make ourslipknot. i'm going to give it a couple more
inches and then i'm going to make my slipknotlike this. then put our needle through, tighten. then we're going to make sure our yarn tailis up in front. right now our yarn tail is in the back, so we would take our stitch off,turn it around, put it back on our needle, and there we go. now our yarn tail is up inthe front, our working yarn is in the back and we can start casting on. two fingers clamp, open sesame, and then wewould start casting on with the long tail. so that is the long tail cast on. there youhave it. this is how you would cast on with the long tail and also how you would figureout how much yarn you need to cast on with the long tail. so, cast on 100 stitches onyour circular needles, meet me back here and
we'll start joining our stitches in the roundto start knitting in garter stitch. alright, so now you've cast on all your stitcheswith the long tail cast on. you should have 100 stitches all the way around. once youhave that we are ready to join in the round. but before we can join we have to make surethat our stitches aren't twisted. that's really crucial. let's take a look here. we want tomake sure that all of our stitches here are facing in the same direction. right now they'refacing inwards, and we want to make sure that all of them are facing inwards. if they'renot then we move them. so you can see here that we've got a twist. so we have it twisted.if that happens, all you have to do is untwist it. literally untwist it and make it faceinwards. so my stitches are untwisted at this
point. they're all facing inwards in the samedirection. that's great. so once you have your stitches untwisted, get your stitch markerout. this is it's shining moment when it really comes in hand. we're going to put it on ourright needle like that. now we're ready to join in the round. pretty exciting, huh? if we look at the pattern, we're going tobe knitting garter stitch in the round. how garter stitch in the round works is you wouldknit one round and then purl the other round and you would repeat those two rounds. knitone round, purl one round, knit one round, purl one round. so now we're going to startour first round of garter stitch by knitting a round. we would take our right-hand needleand knit into the first stitch on our left
needle. so we're going take our yarn, bringit from back to front, pull it through that first stitch. and there we go! now we havejoined our work in the round. look at that! now we are joined in the round. pretty cool.now we're going to keep knitting all of these stitches until we reach the end of the round,which is marked by this stitch marker. so pretty easy, not a lot of fancy work here.so that's what we're going to do. keep knitting, and once we've reached the end of our round,then we're going to purl. so knit your first round, this round right here, and meet meback here and we're going to purl the next round. then we're going to take it from there,okay? i am nearing the end of my knit round. i'vegot one more and here is my last one. cool!
i've finished my first round of garter stitchin the round. i've done my knit round. pretty cool. look at all my knit stitches here. allthese little vs. now i'm ready to move onto my second round, which is just purling. soi did all knit stitches for this round and now i'm going to purl my whole round. whati would do is take my working yarn and bring it to the front of my needle because we'regoing to purl next. i'm going to take my stitch marker and move it from my left need to myright needle. now i'm ready to go. i'm ready to start again. so i'm going to start purling.just a reminder: when you purl, you have your yarn up front and you're going to take yourright hand needle and slip it from the top to the bottom of the stitch on your left needle.then take your working yarn and move it from
the back to the front, and then pull it through.so what i like to do when i reach the join, a new round, is i like to tighten it up alittle bit. i even move it to the back to tighten it up and move it back to the front.at this little join it's easy for the stitches to get loose. so i don't want that to happen,so i pull it a little bit and tug it. so now we can keep going. we're going to purl allof the stitches on this round. so sometimes you might forget where you'reat in the round. you might think, is this a purl round or is this a knit round? andthe best way to remember that is to look at the stitches that are coming next. for example,you can see here that these are all knit stitches by these little v-shapes. a knit stitch lookslike a little v. when you're knitting garter
stitch in the round, you want to purl allof your knit stitches. so these are knit stitches, so i know i've got to purl the rest of these.when you have a purl stitch like this. so when you finish your whole purl round andyou're back at the beginning of your round, you would know that you got to knit the nextround because you've got purl stitches here. with garter stitch in the round, you wouldknit your purl stitches and purl your knit stitches. i hope that makes sense. you'vegot knit stitches here, so you would purl those stitches. again, you would purl yourknits and knit your purls. and that's pretty much what garter stitch in the round is. socontinue on doing this. purl this round, and when you reach the end of this round, youwould knit. after that round, you would purl.
so do that until you have seven inches ofgarter stitch at which point we are going to bind off and weave in our ends, and thenyou can wear your cowl out. isn't that exciting? so keep on purling. keep on purling and knittingand purling and knitting and repeating those two rows. i'll see you when you've got seveninches. oh, hey, what's up. i'm just knitting somegarter stitch in the round, and i'm going to show you a technique to deal with somethingthat happens when you're knitting and that is running out of yarn. so, when this happens,don't freak out. don't freak out unless you don't have anymore yarn in which case maybefreak out a little bit or buy some new yarn. if you already have a new ball of yarn asi do then the only thing that you need to
do is join it to your work. now this is aneasy thing to do and i'm going to show you two ways to do it. when this happens, justbacktrack a little bit. leave a longer tail on your old yarn. so i'm going to take a stitchand that's pretty good. so four or five inches on your old ball of yarn. then slip our right needle into thestitch. then with our new ball of yarn we're going to lay it at the back over here withmy old ball and i'm going to keep it secure with a finger. i'm going to clamp down onit. then i'm going to use my new ball of yarn to knit into the next stitch. i'm going totug it a little bit, but try and keep this secure. i'm going to knit into the secondstitch like this and i'm going to knit into the third stitch with my new ball of yarn.after three stitches your new ball should
be secure. you can see when i tug on it, thestrand where we joined stays in place. so let's take a look. when you join in this way,you'll see there are two yarn threads that stick out - your old ball of yarn and yournew ball of yarn. there's also this ugly hold that happens. now don't worry about the hole.when we finish our cowl we'll come back around and weave in these ends with a tapestry needle.so these strands won't stay here forever. we're going to weave them in, cut these off,and it'll look really nice. so that's how you join a new ball of yarn to your work.so when you're coming back around, you would just purl over these two stitches like itain't no thing. just ignore that little gap. you might have to make sure that these strandsare secure so that they don't come out too
loose, but otherwise you would purl over themas if they were a normal stitch. so that's one way to join a new ball of yarn to yourwork. let's talk about the second way you can join. the second way is the one that iusually use. i prefer this one because it's more stealth, but the first one works finetoo. the second way to join a new ball of yarnrequires that you have a bit more of a tail on your old ball. so i'm going to take offsome of these stitches that i've knit so i can get a bit more of a tail. let's take onemore stitch off. here we go. so now i've got about ten inches on my old ball of yarn. that'sa good length to have. now when i reach my next stitch i'm going to take my new ballof yarn, and i'm going to lay it over my old
strand of yarn like this. i'm going to usethese two strands as if they were one. i'll pretend that they've magically merged together,and i'm going to hold them as if they were one strand. then i'm going to knit into thenext stitch. i'm going to make sure this doesn't flop around. i'll keep it over my right needleto keep it secure. i'm holding two strands in my right hand as if they were one, andi'm going to knit into the next stitch like this. so i've just knit like it ain't no thing.they're two stitches together, really stealth. and i'm going to keep going. i've knit onestitch with two threads held together. you can see them right here. this is one knitstitch, but there's two strands. i'm going to do that again and knit into my second stitchwith two strands of yarn. and i'm going to
knit into my third stitch with two strandsof yarn. so there we go. now you can see that these three stitches have been knit with ournew yarn and old yarn carried together. on the back you can see that this is where wejoined, and these are our two yarns that we held together and it's really secure. wheni tug on my new ball of yarn, it doesn't move around at all. this is where we joined, andit doesn't move around at all. it's not shifting. my old ball of yarn has been carried in theback and it's very secure because we knit into three stitches with it. so you don'thave to worry about it coming loose or undone. after you've knit three stitches with yourold ball and new ball held together, then you can drop your old ball and take up yournew ball of yarn and knit with that. then,
keep on knitting. keep on knitting in garterstitch with your new ball of yarn, and that's it! that's all there is to it. so when you'redone your project, you would weave in these little strands of yarn and it would be invisible.so this is a really nice invisible join. they both are. when you've finished your roundand you come back around, you would purl into these stitches as if they were a normal stitch.so don't pay any mind to the fact that you've got two strands making up one stitch, justpurl into them as if they were one stitch. so that's how you join a new ball of yarnto your work. so keep on knitting in garter stitch in the round. i'll see you in a littlebit. so let's look at our cowl. it's really startingto look like a cowl now! this garter stitch
looks amazing. so let's measure it out tomake sure we have 7 inches. let's take a look here and - yeah! we're at 7 inches. perfect.now if you want to keep knitting, you want a big thick cowl, you can keep doing that.if yarn permits, you can keep knitting in garter stitch. if you're happy with garterstitch then you can start binding off. whatever you decide, once you get to the width you'rehappy with, you're going to bind off. now, i've just finished a purl row as you can seehere, which means my next row is going to be a knit row. that's awesome because we wantto cast off on a knit row. we're going to do that right now. here's a little reminderof how to do a bind off. with our right-hand needle we're going to knit into our next stitchlike this. here we go. then we're going to
knit into our second stitch like this. thenwe'll take our left-hand needle and slip it under our first stitch and slip it over oursecond stitch just like that. there we go. so we've just bound off one stitch. and we'llkeep doing that. i'm going to knit another stitch and move our needle into the firststitch and slip it over the second. we'll do that around the whole round. now the importantthing to remember about binding off is to do it loosely. you don't want a death gripon your yarn. keep it nice and loose. loosey goosey. keep it looser than how you wouldnormally knit. so i'm keeping a really loose hold on it now, and that's because i wanta nice loose bind-off edge. i don't want it to be tight. i want it to sit nice and flatand to give some stretch too because garter
stitch tends to be stretchy. so let's keep binding off until we reach theend of our row, and then we're going to move on to our last step of our pattern, whichis weaving in all of our loose ends. so that would be the loose ends here - the long tailfrom our cast on, the places where we joined a new ball of yarn. that's going to be ournext step, but for now we're going to bind off. so let's do that. meet me back here whenyou've bound off your entire row, and we'll move on to our last step. so we're almost done our bind off here. let'sdo one more knit. i'm doing it really loosely. here we are, our last bind off. awesome! sohere we go. we've bound off all of our stitches,
and now we're ready to get our scissors involved.i'm going to cut off about ten inches or so. just snip that right off. we're going to takethe tail end of our yarn we just snipped off and bring it around the front of our yarnand take this stitch on our needle and pull it over our yarn tail like that. so now ourneedles are gone. our cowl is off the needles, and it looks pretty awesome, i think. prettygood. i mean look at this cowl. alright, so now we're going to finish offour cowl by weaving in the ends with this tapestry needle. it's a really good idea toget a tapestry needle because it'll really come in handy when you're weaving in endslike this, our long tail, and also parts of your knitting where you joined a new ball.so, right here we've got a join. we want to
weave in these ends because it'll look funkyif you walk around with loose ends hanging off your cowl. so let's do that now and trythese two ends. i'm going to take my tapestry needle here and thread it through with theseends. then i'm going to weave it in these stitches. this is the join area. we've gota hole here. so i'm going to put my needle through this stitch here and close up thathole. now weaving isn't an exact science. if it looks good, if it looks inconspicuous,then that'll be what works for you. so i usually go three stitches horizontally and then goup one stitch like this, do a vertical stitch, and then go down again. so i'm almost makinga circle with it. i'm going this way, up and the back this way. i've woven in a numberof stitches, so i'm going to cut off that
little end there. there we go. let's get thatout of the way. you can see that tail end has been woven in pretty seamlessly. you can'tsee it that well. even on the other side it's hard for you to pick out exactly where thatwoven-in tail is. so we'll do that on this side as well. and then we'll weave in thetail ends of our cowl. this area here is where we cast on, and this is where we finishedour cast off. we would do the same thing. we'd take our yarn, thread it through thetapestry needle, and i'm going to bring my needle through the next stitch on my cowland close in that gap like that. i'll turn it around again and do that again. so throughhere, i'll just weave in that end like that. so, if it looks even you'll leave it at that.if it doesn't then maybe you'll do another
stitch. so i think that looks good. that looksdecent, so i'll turn it over and weave in my end over here. maybe i'll go up here. you'llbe doing this on all of your yarn tails where you need to weave in. i've gone three stitchesover and i'll go one up. the great thing about garter stitch is you can do a lot of camouflagingbecause you've got all these great bumps, so you can go into the bumps and hide youryarn ends that way. i've gone in three times and i'm ready to snip off this end now. imight pull it a bit so it doesn't look so tight. and now i'm going to snip off. therewe go. perfect. so you would do this on your cast on edge as well and you would go throughthe rest of your cowl and look for any area that needs to be woven in. here's our otherlittle tail where we joined a new ball of
yarn. here we'll snip this off like that.then, you're done! you're done your cowl and you can wrap it around your head and wearit out and keep warm. won't that be fun, huh? alright, i hope you enjoyed this tutorial.go out, enjoy your cowl once you've woven in and have fun with it! that is the cushycowl. thanks so much for watching this video. ihope you enjoyed it, and if you did then please like it and leave a comment below along withany questions you have. and, of course, subscribe right here for more knitting videos. now ifyou knit a cushy cowl, then show it off online by tweeting or instagramming with the hashtag#cushycowl. i'd love to see it. okay, that's it for me. i'm davina of sheepandstitch.comand i'll catch you next time with another
knitting video.