welcome back to goodknit kisses. i'm your host kristen and today we're making a simple baby hat and then i will show you afterwe cast that one off... and show you how to do that. i will showyou how to make a decreased crown for the baby hat we're gonna start by making a slipknotin our yarn of choice and i have put this into a cut up straw that's all this is and it's going tohelp me get through
in between the pegs i'm using a 24-pegloom today and these little knobs here, these little red parts are switched out from anotherloom and it's gonna help me do my decrease crown so if you wanna stickaround for the end of this video and see how to do thedecreased crown, instead of a drawstring you are welcome to do that. we're going to start by making a slipknot and we're going to wrap this around ourfinger take that back over the front back and the front again
making our slipknot and this is a this is for a newborn; so i don't want a brim and the reason why no brim is becauseit's harder on their heads and this makes it stretchier nomatter what their size. i'm going to actually put this on mystarter peg iand i'm going to go from the topside and to the starter peg this way and we will work that into our design and this way this knot will fall out
the way we're gonna do it. and you won't have any knots in the beginning of your hat. so we're gonna make an e-wrap. and ifyou've never loomed before, you're going to take your yarn from theback side of the peg you gonna wrap it around like a cursive"e" so we're going in the back-side and allyour work will come through this middle part and then what is seen on this side is called the right side (rs) of the work andthis is the pretty side or the front of your hat. we're gonna wrap around the next peg, go-between
these two pegs, go back around andcontinue if you will start wrapping and having your yarn at thebottom of these pegs here, then you will notice the next timeyou go around it will be easier and you don't have to push these down. and while i'm doing thisactually, from this backside, if you'll notice i just take my finger and i lay this yarn down. i continue helping myself wrap.
so now i've come around again. and this is called casting-on and we're getting all this locked onto our pegs making essentially the first stitch. now goback around again and you don't have to have a yarn guide. i just like to use it when i'm e-wrapping. the e-wrap stitch is a stockinette it's a form a regular knit stitch and itwill curl and that's why you're brim will have acurl on it if you want to not curl you have to usea series of
purls, and i have a video on my sitecalled how to make a purl stitch. the combination the purl actually sends the fabric to the other side and if you use a series over row of knit and a row of purl and then a row of knit, that makes a garter stitch and helps it from actually making a rolled brim. so we're going to continueon. go ahead and knit the bottom loop
over the top. if you do this last one first, that willlock it in. so if you have to set this loom down and continue on it's not going to jump off the pegs. go ahead and knit this one over. now when you first do it may be a littletight. you may want to take that starter one off and then knit this over and then now see your beginning tail? go ahead andpull that slipknot out. and we're gonna work that in on our next row so go ahead and continuealong
knitting over everything this hat size will fit a newborn baby it's supposed to fit three to six monthsbut it depends upon the child generally it fits a newborn. if you have apreemie you may even have to go down to the 12pink flower loom (very small preemie) but the preemie hats need anywhere fromnine to 10 inch that's a head circumference, which the hat circumference is gonna be seven-and-a-half you're going down acouple inches in circumference so the hat stays on; niceand snug. we're
gonna push this down all the way around pushing down our row sometimes i'm tight knitter, so it takes me a moment. we're going to go ahead and e-wrap (ew)this first stitch. and then now that we have this beginning strand back here, and what i want is to have thisbeginning strand, because it's coming out this peg here,its gonna go on to our next peg so i'm going to now grab it and use itat the same time with my working strand
and i'm going to e-wrap around. and on this particularpart only i wanna make tight. because i want to makesure that's not going anywhere so make sure that's tight these two onesare tight and he draws this together so it's more seamless. so continue going around. and once you got a goodamount of pegs going, this little straggler here is just going to lay back and you end up either weaving it intothe back of you're hat or you can actually cut it off at thatpoint. because its locked in. its not going
anywhere but this is your first time ever loom,you'll find that he making hats like this are very easy and they're great fordonating to hospitals but you can start increasing yourknowledge and skills by learning new stitches good ahead and knit all these over. and as youlearn new stitches and develop you'll be able to branch out in lots of other projects. learning how to do hat is essential to learning how to loom knit
but you can do as many complicated or un-complicate things on the loomsas you can do on needles (knitting) be sure and check out goodknitkisses youtube main channel:=page we have a playlist on their for beginner loom knit and it starts off a beginner stitches incasting on in binding of all the different terms and things andworks you all the way up into more comfortable to more techniqueso be sure and check that out and i'll bookmark be website forthat okay so we have gone and done
are cast on roe we done row wine in any rap all you can do is continuegoing around only im pushing these down making another roehirap you continue on into you get to acertain link now that certainly is determined by youand how big you want it for the baby you want now not sure how big they he's gonna be youcould make into regular newborn size or even jump it up into i'm with the three-month would be if youwant a newborn
i had that same 13 a 14 inch and normals head circumference the hatcircles gonna be eleven and a half inches to thirteeninches which works perfectly for this one then you want tohack height to be am five-and-a-half to six inches so we're gonna get are measuring tapefound here and we're going to pull it out until you're at five and half or sixinches and then you want to take your hat here market where the 0 is areyou concerned the top here
and i minister here and say six inches and start wherever your yarn is here and then hold it down and say i have to net until i get tothis point so on this is gonna start growing growinggrowing and is gonna get down here when you have the steam engine helps i'mdown like this you can see if it falls at the two i need two moreinches left in it now this hack can be and the brain canbe rolled up if you wanna make it for baby two forthree to six months you couldn't
make it from six-and-a-half 27 inchesfor the happy i wouldn't go in for them at earls it just looks really really big on a small baby so if you're giving itas a baby you're set because these are really easy to make you could make one that's a five incheslong and then make one that's i'm six and a half inches long into theactually had two hats they can grow as babies grow really quickly socontinue on and i'm gonna show you how to do thedraw string cast-off what you wanna do is continue euros
and then we're gonna pas your video andme back up when you're ready to cast of for buying of and that is how you takeyour work of have the needles are pics whicheverway you wanna call it these are pegs some people call me knowsbecause that's essentially what they are and i'm even at that very same and before we go just wanted to show you i'm netted are of all the way around thebush to the bottom with over-the-top now i'm back before my starter pack andjust make sure that your intake these bottom two strands
that was woven for from your beginning row and polos bottom too over the top okay and then that make sure that thoseare all on their so now that this part is locked and you could go ahead and safely cut themoff and just leave a little body part seeking out that's just fine this is theinside of your hat in this party here this is that outsiderhad so the stitches are gonna look like whatcomes out here
cell again push down euros you gonna do this every time you're finewhich way is more comfortable for you you can hold it whichever way one and just add answer aquestion that gets all the time when you're first startingout you can go either direction the point is you wanna always go in onedirection on that particular project were always go on this direction in one particular project if you'reneeding something in around i'm if there's special directions whereyou have to change directions then do
that by am you're just continue for oneproject in the same amount and you'll seedifferent people and videos going one way or another and it's really a matter what'scomfortable for them because the i had a mini and looks the same ok supply your radio and continuing into your designerdesired link and i'll meet you back
who were back and i have needed aboutfive inches for this hat here for demonstration purposes and you can itbegan to enter your desired length is so i stick my five-inch marker here and bring it down to the bottom in that where they had 0hits down at the bottom of this hat and as well as calling the right side ofthe work this is the finished in a pretty side and inside the backside of an e-wrap is a purl and you'll notice that thestitch looks different; that's the opposite
side and you can learn how to make that; so that is on the front side over here and it'll have a little bumpon it. a "purl" bump. so, this is what this looks like. now, i amusing a "super bulky" #6 a "super bulky" #6 and i can put that down the in the description below on the video [description]. in thedescription for the video but and let's say that these ladders, inbetween, let's say this is too "gappy" for you, and this one is just fine (the example shown) but..
but depending upon what youactually pick for yourself you may want to close that gap. so, oneway to do it is to add a third row of e-wraps and you are going to knit the bottom two over the top or you can knit one overthe top two loops. and so if you do one over two, then that will close thatgap for you. so now we are going to do a drawstring cast-off and essentially what it's going to do is pullthese together and bind it up. so this top partwill close inward and
actually makes a very bulky top. it's going to look bulky like this. if you wanna make a smoother top, we're doing decreasecrown, so stick around after we do the drawstring and i'll put this back on and show you how tomake it more of a smooth decrease. we're going to take our workingstrand. go around the loom and we're gonna cut it. now, we've got our working strand comingfrom this last peg we want to put it in between the lastpeg and the first peg
and take our loop here, take our knitting tool, and put it between this loop hear andscoop up this loose working strand and pull it allthe way through. see? and then now we are gonna do the next thing.you're gonna put the working strand below this next loop and we're gonna pick it up and pull it on through. and when you learn it this way you are learning actually how to do a purl stitch because this is the sameway the "purl" stitch is performed.
you actually pick it up and pull it through and then you would remove this loop offand then put this loop back on and then pull it back taut (firm but not tight). and then that actually creates the purlstitch but as i stated before i've got a nice slow video on how to makethe purl stitch on the loom, so be sure and check that video out in the "beginning loom knitting" playlist we're going to continue going all theway around the loom
you want to pick up all your stitches now;some people cut an extra strand and and then they as thread it through with a tapestry needle. in fact, a lot instructionswill say it that way personally, i don't think you need that. -having to thread different kinds ofyarns don't necessarily go through the needle very well, like this kind of strand doesn't go through the needle very well, andthen you end up having 3 loose ends, 3 cut (frayed) ends, like this to deal with at the end rather than just
this one now because this is a (lion brand) homespun product, it's what we call a chenille. it has one little line. of thread, in between, and then all the extra "roving" type material, this fluffy material, and so the end can become frayed and you may want a knot. put a little knot on it or leave yourself a long enough tail so that when you're done pulling thestrings through...and see how this busted up?.. when you're done pulling the strands through,you're gonna need to make a knot so that it doesn't get too out of control
you're coming to the beginning here i'm going to pull this last one through. and if youdidn't go far enough around the loom it's okay go ahead and take off these off the peg and then it will allow you topull on this strand to get more length here. so, you can actually take these of the loom; and the easy way todo is to take your knitting tool and pop it off like that. you're going to pop all these off the pegs.
and then we're done, we're gonna drawstring and pull this closed, and it seals it up. then you're going to knot it and then weave it through the middlepart. i have a video for weaving that through (finishing a hat) so if you wanna watch that video moreclosely [you can]. i'm gonna go ahead and put these back on here and show you how to do thedecreased bind off. [pause your video to dee decrease or see other video for finishing a hat]. i'm going to tie on this new color here,because i've already run out room, because i was trying todo the drawstring method and this
basically broke on me, and so i'm gonnashow you how to change colors and you can weave them in together, butit can create a bulkiness if you're goingfrom the same color to color; but what if you are changing colors so i'm gonna go ahead and tie this on and get it back to the back of this last peg here and then make another loop around to get this square knot here and i tie it right behind
the peg and so that's gonna fall on theback-side of this stitch or inside the loom; and now i cancontinue on my way and wrapping around. and thatknot is gonna secure it. some people don'tlike knots and there's different methods to tie it on. you just pick the method thatworks best for you i know that the knot isn't gonna goanywhere and on this particular project and it's not going to be seen. sowe're gonna go ahead and e-wrap all the way around in continuein our design but for right now i'm gonna show you howto
do the decreased bind-off and what we're gonna do is markall of our pegs in sections and we're gonna have foursections we got a 24 peg loom here and we're going to have and sections of 6; so marked the first pegas "1" i'm moving this way(to the left) you can go this way, it doesn't really matter, but the first peg is "1"... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. and then i mark "1" peg for the next section, mark itagain,
do the "1" peg and then i've got another "1"back here and so we have four sections of six. so, we want to take our knittingtool and move our number "2", all of our"evens" (even #s) are going over to the "odds" but we're just going on this first round the evens to the odds 2 to 1; so just the 2s to the 1s. [twos go to the ones-describing the peg numbers in each section] move to the next section and we're gonnado the twos to the ones move over. now when you do move these over,
be sure and just unwind, you're going to go in a clockwise (cw) clockwise (cw) fashion with your pick andunwind this stitch and un-twist this e-wrap here andi'll make it a lot easier for you for moving it over. so continue around and we'll meet backup okay we're back and we've got all thesemoved over. we are going to wrap this next row and whenever you come to a skipped peg youcan skip it and then go ahead and wrap the next one. so, yougot to here and this will have a wrap on it; andwhenever we come back i'll show you how to knit
those off (knit off = work the stitch) okay we're going to knit over and we'vegot three loops on this peg and we are going to lock it in;we're going to take the bottom loops over the top so these bottom two loopsare gonna go over this top loop okay and that's now locked and you cango around the loom now and knitting the bottom loops over the topand locking all those in. finish knitting over and wewill come back and do the next decreased row [pause video]....all right, great job! you have finished the first row of thedecreased crown
we're going to move the 4 peg over to the 3. go ahead and unwind and move it over for the next section and take the 4 over the 3 do this in each section and then you'll see that you have ineach section two empty pegs. go ahead and wrap over just the onesthat have a loop on a peg now we've got all that done and we're gonna knit over;this peg here only has one on it
and this one right hear, which was gonna be a number three; we're gonna knit theseover and if it's to tight, like this one here, gonna knit those separately. doesn'tmatter,you get the same result. okay we're on our last section. we'regoing to take the 6 peg and and move it over to the 5. and seei'm just going in a different direction here so that you don't have to be so governed on which way you go (knitting off i mean) okay so if you notice
you got something on every other peg. sowe've now gone 24-pegs; go ahead and wrap these around, the onesthat have a loop on there, we're going to take 24 pegs and we've gone down to 12pegs. so you have decreased your peg count by half ok now that you've done that, we're gonna goahead and and knit over after this row we're done. we're gonna doa drawstring bind off. and now you have half the amount of pegs that you need to go through the loops! so it makes that part easier.
it does take a little more effort to dothis decreased crown. if you're not ready, just to drawstringand, you know, try this whenever you're ready.if you want to try it on my "granny round" video you can try that because it's the same technique. so we're going to measure all theway around the loom with our working strand, and go ahead andcut off and we're going to going to drawstring this. so we're going to pickup the working strand up through, the bottomof this loop, and you can do it from the
top down, too. just do it the same way the entire wayaround the loom. if you don't, it's not gonna drawstringproperly. i'm coming to my last peg here. go ahead and pull it on through and if you find that you're too short on here (the yarn) again, you can take these off (the pegs) and then you can shorten up the drawstring. so, go aheadand pull all these loops off the peg they're safe now, not going anywhere.
okay i'm going to pull this off and take our strand okay, we've got our drawstring, now we'rejust gonna pull it. and before we finish, go aheadand put your drawstring on the inside, okay? and flip it inside out. now this is the part where i had tied on showing you tying on another color, or fixing another strand [earlier in the video] so we're just gonna go ahead and pull this drawstring shut, just like a pair pants or something
and we're going to tie a knot. just asimple knot will do because it's on the inside the hat if you wanted to you could just tie the knot cut it off. but it's best toget it to go through it several points with thetapestry needle and make sure that it's really in theirgood. you can thread a tapestry needle and go in and out of here several times.i have a video on how to do that and what i wanna show you is, lets say i gotit tight enough then i'm actually going to cut this andlet it just stay inside here
because no one will see that. and now flip it inside and out (again) and i wanna show you what this looks like see how this is nice and smooth? itdoesn't have any extra crumpled or bulkiness. it's not bumpy. normally the drawstring would looklike this so this is nice and smooth; and then i want you to see the rolled edge here. this rolled edge here is this rolled edge here is ....this is a "nobrim" (brimless) or "rolled" brim this is a brimless hat and it has this edge here.
people can roll it up. now it has this rolling effect because it's an e-wrap stitch. and this is just a great littlebasic first hat to learn..and also to give as a gift. (preemie & newborn 24 peg) again, you can make them different lengths, and accommodate a different baby size head if you want a larger hat for largerbaby (30 or 31 peg) you can step it up to a 30 or 31 pegloom for a bigger circumference and for anadult you can just put in this 36 peg loom
or there's actually a 48 peg loom fromknifty knitter, now it is discontinued, but all these different looms will makedifferent size hats; it is the same technique for this if you look up online it will show youdifferent hat lengths that you might need. so i thank you very much. and also keepin mind there are other brands out there this just happens to be what i have if you wanna learn how to do the(easier) decreased bind off (another video) or the "decreased crown" (as shown here) look for my other videos on thesedifferent looms. i hope that helps you today
thanks again for joining me at goodknitkisses. have a great day and happy looming! don't forget tosubscribe and also check out our facebook page for our goodknitkisses loom knit and craft club for 24/7 of experience of other loomers and crafters out there,willing to help you and have fun posting your photos! bye-bye!