gloves can be intimidating to knit if youãvenever tried them before, because there are a lot of unique techniques involved in themthat you maybe havenãt seen in other patterns. in this tutorial weãre going to start fromthe very basics. all you need to know how to do is knit andpurl. weãre going to get you going on knittingwith double pointed needles and knitting the cuff, learning how to do make 1 increasesto work the gusset, how to work backwards loop cast on and picking up stitches to knitthe tiny tubes of the fingers, and then decreasing and finishing the glove so that you have limitedgaps and the glove is a nice fit. to knit this with us youãre going to needa set of size 3 double pointed needles, like
this and youãre going to need some worstedweight yarn. iãve taken the label off of this but youcan kind of get the idea of the yarn that youãre going to need. these techniques are pretty basic across mostglove patterns, but if youãd like to follow along with these gloves, this pattern is availablefor purchase and download over on my website. and first up, weãre going to learn how toget started with double pointed needles and knit the cuff of the glove. first up with the gloves weãre going to getstarted on the cuff, starting down here at the bottom of the glove, working with twoã± uh, working with double pointed needles.
and weãre going to work in two by two rib. the double pointed needles allow us to workin a tube, and of course gloves are just a series of tubes. this lets us knit a small circumference tube. they can be kind of intimidating if you havenãtused them before, but really using double pointed needles is just like normal knitting. youãre only going to be knitting with twoneedles at a time. let me show you how to get started with this. iãve already cast on part of the stitchesthat i need for the gloves. and iãm using
the long tail cast on. and if you need a review of the long tailcast on, i have a technique video that will take you slowly through how to do this caston. if you do a knitted cast on that works, too. so you can either cast on all your stitcheson to one needle, how ever many stitches your size calls for, and then just transfer themto three needles like this. you put your needle in as if to purl, andslide them over. or you can actually, let me undo this, youcan actually cast on to each needle and that saves you the trouble of transferring themover.
and the way to do that is to get yourselfset up to do the long tail cast on, and instead of going on to the needle that youãve beenusing, you get yourself started and you put the new needle in there. let me show you again. iãm going to wrap it around my thumb andjust let these two needles hang. and put that new needle, take the workingyarn and wrap it and pull it through, and then when i pull that through, i really wantto give a tug to the tail end and the working yarn, because iãd like to eliminate the gapbetween the two needles as much as possible. okay, then iãm going to cast on the remainingstitches that i need here on the third needle.
again if you need some help with working thiscast on itãs called the long tail cast on, and i have a technique video for it. okay, iãm not counting, but iãm just goingto cast on what looks about right for demonstration purposes here. okay, now you have stitches spread out overthree needles, and to get started with this, weãre going to break it down into as manysteps as we need to get started with this, to make it easy. get everything as untwisted as you can. orã± just get everything untwisted! and put your needles into an h, the letterh shape, like this.
your working yarn and your tail are over hereon the right needle. now when you have this untwisted, that willmean that all of your knots from your cast on are all lined up on the inside of thish. nothingãs twisted when you see that. okay? now, this here is going to be my first stitchthat i knit. and iãm going to use the working yarn fromover here. and when i use this yarn to knit this stitchitãs going to close up the tube. so that will be our first step. iãm going to turn this around to get thisfirst stitch in front of me like this, and
scoot it down to the tip of the needle. now notice, iãm not picking anything up offthe table yet. and the reason for that is that as soon asyou pick things up off the table, things can get twisted. weãre going to leave it on the table as longas possible to keep it from getting twisted. so, my first stitch is very close to the tipof the needle, ready to work. iãve separated my working yarn from the tailend, so itãs easy for me to grab it and use. iãm going to put my needle in to the leftof first stitch to knit it. okay. you see, iãm just working with two needles.these two needles are going to hang out, these
two right here, are going to hang out untili get to them. these two needles right here are the onesi care about. so my needleãs in. i take the working yarn, iãm going to worka completely normal knit stitch by wrapping the back needle, and after i do that, i canpick this up off the table because it canãt really get twisted anymore. iãm going to pull that stitch through, justa normal knit stitch, and go into the next stitch and knit that as well. now iãm working two by two rib.
take a look here, iãll spread it out a littlefor you. this is knit two, purl two, knit two, purltwo, and thatãs what gives us this stretchy cuff. before i can work the purl stitch, i needto pull my working yarn forward between the two needles, and purl two. donãt get discouraged when youãre workingthe cast on row. because itãs tighter than the other rows, it does go more slowly. you can pick up speed once you get past it. iãm going to go back to knitting now, soi pull the yarn, the working yarn back between
the two needles, because my yarn needs tobe in back to knit, iãll knit two. pull the yarn forward and purl two. back, to knit two. and i want to get to the end of this row soi can show you how to move onto the next needle. back to knit two. whoops, i just dropped a stitch! grab that. okay, remember that i didnãt ã± i didnãtcount how many i was casting on that last needle.
i should be ending with purl two, but iãmjust going to end with purl 1 because i didnãt count my stitches. but really for demonstration purposes, thatãsokay. and iãve had you arrange these stitches sothat you will always end with purl two on the end of each needle, and when you startthe next needle you will always start with knit two. itãs a good way to know that youãre on trackwith the two by two rib pattern. okay, so i finished knitting this first stitch,my working yarn is coming out of this needle, when youãre working with double pointed needles,your next stitch is always to the left of
your working yarn. so hereãs my working yarn, iãm going tojump over to this needle, and thatãs my next stitch. so iãll get it close to the tip of the needleso i can work it. and again, iãm working with this empty needlein my right hand, and iãm going to this needle to continue knitting, and so these two needlesare just going to hang out there and wait for me to get back to them. so, iãll knit across here, and jump overto this needle and knit across here, always starting with an empty needle in my righthand.
youãre going to knit the cuff for as longas the pattern tells you depending on the size that youãre knitting, and next up weãregoing to get started working with the thumb gusset. you should be at a point in your gloves nowwhere you have finished knitting the two by two rib in the cuff, which is the stretchypart of the glove ã± the very stretchy part of the glove. and now weãre going to start with the stockinettepart. from here on out weãre going to be knitting every round, i donãt think thereãsany more purling in the glove at all anymore. and the thumb gusset is this bit of knittingright here. and the way that the hand is shaped,
itãs all pretty straight through here, butwe have to increase here to accommodate for the thumb. and thatãs what weãre going todo. let me show you a close up in the finishedglove. itãs this line and this line. and you can see, we started off with justone stitch between these two, and we go go go up like this until weãve increased untilwe have a lot of stitches between these two markers right here. so to get started with the thumb gusset, thisis where youãre going to need a couple of stitch markers, and iãll how you what thoselook like here in a minute.
oh, before ã± before we do that though, yousee where the tail end of your yarn is here? the reason we havenãt bothered with stitchmarkers to mark the beginning of your round is because wherever your tail end is, youfollow that up between two needles, this is the beginning of your round. this is the firststitch here. so you always want to ã± just like when youãreworking back and forth in rows, this is where you want, you want to get back to the beginningof the round when you start working on a new section of the gloves. so for the thumb gusset here, youãre goingto work up, youãre going to follow your pattern for your size to knit up to the number ofstitches it tells you to.
and iãm not counting here, but i know thati do need to knit past this first needle. you see, no more purling. it starts to gomuch more quickly. okay. this looks about right. the pattern tells you to place a marker. so i have a little ring marker here that iãmgoing to put on the right needle. to make 1 left, iãm going to do that hereã± iãm going to show you a close up of this in just a moment. make 1 left, knit one, make 1 right, iãllshow you, iãll break this down for you as
well. place another marker, then continue knittingwith the round. letãs take a closer look at those make 1stitches. i have this sample here knit up on big needlesso i can show you how to do this. make 1 left is a left leaning increase, make1 right is a right leaning increase, and make 1s are, as far as noticability goes, theyare the most invisible increase stitches. to work one ã± you see here how this sampleis like what youãre working, itãs just plain knitting around, or when youãre knittingin the round, so this is exactly how it will look for you.
when you separate two stitches, youãll seean obvious bar between the two stitches. if you pick that up, i always use my rightneedle to pick it up because iãm just more coordinated with my right hand, iãll pickit up and put the needle in front to back. or your can just take your needle and putit in front to back on that bar between two stitches. then you knit that stitch, through the backloop. a normal knit stitch would go in like this. through the back loop goes in like that. andyou knit it. so youãve made a stitch out of the bar betweentwo stitches.
iãll show you that again. iãm going to take the tip of my left needle,and put it into the bar between two stitches from front to back. then iãm going to knit that through the backloop. okay, thatãs a left leaning increase, thatãsthe first one that youãll work. a right leaning increase, the only differenceis that youãre going to pick up that bar from back to front. and youãre going to knit it normally throughthe front loop, which can be tricky. iãll show you again.
iãm going to pick that up from back to front,so i have this loop on the needle, and then iãm going to knit it normally through thefront loop like this. the real trick with make 1 stitches is ifitãs easy to get your needle in to work it, youãre not doing it right. if youãre knitting a make 1 left, and youãreputting through, in the normal way through the front loop of the stitch, itãs goingto be really easy to put your needle in, but itãs going to create a whole in your work. if itãs difficult to get your needle it,it means youãre making the correct twist on the stitch which is going to keep you fromgetting a gap in your work.
so youãll follow your pattern, and youãregoing to do the make 1 increases like that every third row. i like to use a row counter to keep trackof where i am when iãm going that part. and once you reach the required number ofstitches between the two markers for the size youãre knitting, weãre going to put thosethumb gusset stitches on reserve, which weãre going to cover in the next video. now you should have finished the thumb gussetstitches, meaning that you have the correct number of stitches between your markers thatyour pattern calls for, for the size that youãre knitting.
now weãre ready to reserve those thumb gussetstitches because what weãre going to do is ã± you are right here right now. weãre going to put these stitches on a pieceof scrap yarn to save them for later, and then after we finish all the other fingersweãre going to go back and knit the thumb itself. so letãs start that row. the beginning of my row is here, iãve alreadyknit across this first needle, and iãm knitting up to where my markers are with the thumbgusset stitches. i have a few more stitches to go here.
there are a lot of stitches on this needleonce i finished the increases! so iãm knitting up to this marker, iãm removingthe marker, we donãt need that anymore. and iãm taking some scrap yarn and a tapestryneedle. iãll thread that on to here. and now iãm going to slide all of these stitchesbetween the markers on to this scrap yarn. to do that, i put my tapestry needle in asif to purl, and just slide those stitches on to the tapestry needle. you can be careful and do them one by onelike this if you like. when you get to the second marker, take thatone out.
and now my stitches are all safely reservedon this piece of scrap yarn. and i always use scrap yarn in a contrastingcolor so itãs really easy to see. now, you can see here that itãs startingto look more like a glove. this is actually a thumb, and this is thehand part right here. and weãre going to continue knitting in theround with those stitches kind of sticking out, and to do that we need to cast on onestitch on the right needle here before we continue knitting the stitches over here. weãre going to use the backwards loop caston to cast on one stitch. so i have my working yarn here, iãm goingto take it in my left hand with my thumb on
the yarn like this, flip it, and slide iton to the needle. this is important because we use the backwardsloop cast on a lot in this pattern. so you put your thumb on the yarn like this,flip, put that loop on the needle and tighten it up. now that i have that one stitch cast on, iãmgoing to ignore those thumb stitches, iãm just going to let them stick out like that,and iãm going to continue knitting across the left needle. and itãs amazing, ta-da! the thumb stitchesare there, and theyãre in the right place, and theyãre just waiting for me to come backto them and finish them.
see? there we go. so youãre going to follow your pattern toknit the correct length for the length of the hand and next up weãre going to get startedon the pinkie finger. now weãre ready to get started on the fingers,and weãre going to start with the pinkie finger and work our way across the hand thisway. once youãve made it to this part, the restof the knitting goes pretty quickly because the, the fingers are really just little tubesto knit, it goes pretty quickly. um, iãve written the pattern that weãreusing here, to make it so that your stitches are always arranged correctly for ã± or theeasiest way for you to work through, and then
have things arranged so that the right numberis on each needle when you start decreasing for the tops of the fingers. so youãll want to follow along for your patternand whatever it says for your size, but this specific pattern iãm going to use the numbersthat we have for the medium size. the womanãs medium size. okay, here i am with my finished hand. i have the right side of the work ã± uh, myworking yarn is over here on the right side. iãm going to take a double pointed needleand transfer the first six stitches on to the dpn. and youãll see that that gives us ã± thisbeing the thumb, this being the pinkie.
this is going to be pinkie stitches. then we need some scrap yarn again and a tapestryneedle, because weãre going to put all the rest of the stitches around the hand on scrapyarn, and youãre going to transfer just like we did when we transferred thumb stitchesto the scrap yarn. i think this is actually the numbers for thewomanãs large, not the womanãs medium. iãm going to slide stitches up to the lastfive. iãm going to leave the last five here onthis needle. okay, here we go! our working yarnãs coming from here, we havesix stitches here and five stitches here,
and iãm just going to start working, iãmgoing to start knitting. and in this particular one, iãm going toknit four, then iãm going to pick up ã± whoops, i only knit three there. no wonder the countdidnãt work! knit four, pick up a new needle and knit thelast two. now remember how we had this gap here at thethumb and we used the backwards loop cast on to build one stitch there? weãre going to cast on ã± how many here?just one. so again, iãm going to flip the yarn aroundand put it on the needle, creating one more stitch there.
and now iãm going to continue knitting offthe third needle, just knitting one, and that kind of seals in this backwards loop caston that could have fallen off if i didnãt knit another one. now iãll pick up an empty needle in my righthand, and knit the last four. okay, so now this looks a lot like what wehad going on with the cuff. we had three needles making a triangle, andweãre knitting a tube, only this tube is a lot smaller. because we just have twelve stitches goingon this pinkie finger. and just like we were doing before, itãssmall, its going to go quickly.
your next stitch is always to the left ofyour working yarn. and youãre just going to keep going aroundand around. and next up weãre going to learn how to measurethe length of the finger as weãre going along, and how to do the dec ã± excuse me! [laughs]how to do the decreases for the tops of the fingers. if youãre knitting these gloves for yourself,itãs easy to try on the gloves as you go and just measure the length of the fingersas youãre knitting them. if youãre making these for someone else,and theyãre not around to try the gloves on for you, you can either have them tracean outline of their hand for you, or you can
just go with the standard measurements forthe different sizes. iãm actually making these gloves to fit me.and something thatãs nice about handknit gloves is that i have really long fingersand a freakishly long thumb, so iãm able to measure them to fit, to make sure thattheyãre going to fit my hand. normally, gloves end up kind of ã± uh, betweenthe fingers end up being here between my knuckles, and i can never get them all the way down.thatãs store bought gloves. not hand knit gloves. first let me show you how to measure the fingers. here i am with a finished hand, and iãvecompleted ã± i think iãve completed one pinkie
finger. iãve knit as long as the pattern tells meto. iãm going to go ahead and try it on. and this, as you can see, is a mess of endsand scrap yarn and everything else. so iãve got the pinkie on. and i hope youãre following along with allthese bits of yarn flopping all over the place. iãm going to take my ruler, and put it rightdown here starting at the base of the pinkie. and iãll measure up, and i have knit ã± oh,when i measure, i measure to just under the needle here. donãt include the needle withthe stitches in the measurement.
just stop to here. and it shows that iãve knit just about twoand a quarter inches. when i look at it, it looks like itãs longenough for me. thereãs only one decrease round on the fingers.so all that really does is close it up. so you really want to have it long enough forthe finger, for the whole finger, with really nothing sticking out, because weãre justgoing to close it up. so thatãs how you measure the finger. andyouãre going to do that, of course, on each finger as you go. and now iãm going to show you how to do thedecrease round on here.
for this pinkie we have twelve stitches total,and itãs just knit two together around. so, knit two together, and we have four stitcheson each needle, so itãs knit two together twice on each needle. then youãll cut your yarn, leaving yourself,i donãt know, about six or eight inches, like this. and mineãs already cut. and iãll take my tapestry needle again, threadthat end on to the tapestry needle. and then hereãs my working yarn. this iswhat would be my next stitch. iãm just going to start there. and threadthis yarn back through all the stitches, the
six remaining stitches, pulling the needleout as i go. okay! and that is a finished pinkie! becausewhen i tighten it up, that closes up the top, and iãll just weave in the end on the inside. i actually ã± itãs easier to weave in theends as you go, iãm just going to wait til iãm finished to do it. [laughs] and then one last check, weãll make surethat this is long enough for me. and yes, it is. in the next video weãre going to work onthe upper hand. this next segment in knitting the upper hand,there are a couple of things that are important
for the rest ã± a couple of techniques indoing this that are important for the other three fingers that weãre going to be knitting. letãs take a look at the glove. first look at my hand. we finished the pinkie,and weãre going to do something thatãs called the upper hand of the glove. which takes us from here, where we are rightnow, up a little bit higher. because the base of the area between thesetwo fingers and these two fingers is higher, than the base between the pinkie and the ringfinger. you see what iãm saying?
so weãre way down here right now. weãregoing to knit a couple rows on this section right here to get us up to the base of thesetwo fingers. trust me. it makes for a better fitting glove. so, iãve already slid most of the stitches,as my pattern told me, on to these dpns, i still have the scrap yarn in there. and iãll demonstrate for a couple more, becausethis is going to be important for the rest of the glove, that you know how to do this. thereãs the scrap yarn. i just slide my needlein as if to purl, with the scrap yarn there, and go on to the next one. and the last oneã± i set this up so i can show you the last
one. the last one can be tricky. iãm going to pull out this scrap yarn ineverything except for this last stitch. and the reason itãs tricky is because sometimesthe stitch ends up getting buried. i donãt see where my stitch is right now. itãs buried in there. but iãve taken out the scrap yarn in everythingbut this last stitch, and if i pull it, the stitch magically comes out and i can put itup on the needle. you see that?
this also happens to be attached to the workingyarn, itãs easy to pull because it will stretch out. so i take out my scrap yarn, all the stitchesare on the needles, and iãve already worked around up to this point. now the pattern tells me that i need to pickup stitches at the base of the pinkie. otherwise, because if i didnãt there wouldjust end up being this massive hole right here at the base of the pinkie. so iãm going to pick up and knit. this isthe technique. itãs called picking up and knitting.
two stitches here at the base of the pinkie. and you want to space them out kind of evenly.you can, well, yeah. i usually want to space them out pretty evenly. but the most important thing is i want topick up two legs of something. i want to pick up strands of yarn. and what we have here are vs, because thiswas a cast on, a stitch that we cast on. well, let me just show you how i handle this. iãm going to put my needle into two legs,right here, so i have two legs there. and iãm going wrap it, this is like knittingwith one needle.
iãm going to wrap it and pull it through. and then i do a little test. i pull on it to see if it creates a huge hole.and that kind of did. i donãt like the way that looks. so iãm going find a different spot to wrapand pull through. iãm happier with that. then do it one moretime over here. put my needle into two legs of a stitch, wrapit and pull it through like a normal knit pull on it, that looks aright, iãm happywith the way that looks. and now i can just continue working in theround. after i do one thing.
i reattached my yarn, i worked all the wayaround, and now i just picked up two stitches. hereãs my working yarn, and here is the tailend. i always tie these two together when iãveattached new yarn. and i do this on each one of the remainingfingers when i do. thatãs going to keep the glove from stretchingout right there, falling apart right there, whatever. and that knotãs not going to get in the way. so iãm just going to continue working aroundon these stitches. hereãs my working yarn hereãs my next stitch.
i think you have two more rounds to knit.and next up ã± well, the rest of the fingers are really the same as what weãve workedon so far. youãre going to use the techniques of backwardsloop cast on and picking up stitches, picking up and knitting the way that iãve done here. so the middle finger and the first fingerare no different than what youãve already done. so next up, weãre going to do the thumb. youãre going to see here that working thethumb really isnãt much different than what youãve done on the other fingers, but weãregoing to go over it together to make sure
youãre comfortable with doing it. now, letãs pretend here that all my fingersare finished. my sample here doesnãt have finished fingers, but it does have the thumbjust the way we left it on the scrap yarn. so iãm going to take my double pointed needles,and with the right side of the work facing me, the thumb over here on the left, iãmgoing to slide my double pointed needles into the stitches. and in the pattern i tell you how many toput on each needle, to make it so it works out well at the end. iãm not really counting right now, just giving
you the idea. okay, iãm having this problem again withthe very last stitch being hard to see. so iãll pull out my scrap yarn, in everythingbut this last stitch, and then when i pull thereãs the last stitch. i can grab it and pull this scrap yarn out. okay, all the stitches are now on double pointedneedles and weãre ready to knit the thumb. iãm going to reattach the yarn, and to dothat ã± well, hereãs another thing that i hadnãt mentioned. you can use one of these clippie markers ora safety pin.
these clippie markers are nice. iãm going to clip it in right here so thati can remember that right here is the beginning of my round. no mistake. iãll put my needle in and take my workingyarn, and leaving myself about a six inch tail, iãm going to loop that over that backneedle and pull it through. and just like on the other fingers, i havea few more stitches here because itãs the thumb, but just like the other fingers i willknit around. and then when i get to the end of the lastneedle, when i make it back to the beginning
of my round, the pattern tells me that i needto pick up and knit one stitch here where i cast on one when we were working the thumbthe first time. and you should be pretty comfortable withthat, because youãve done it on the other iãm trying to get the extra bits of yarnout of the way. iãm going to grab two legs, wrap it and pullit through. it can be tough. you have to get a lot oftension on the working yarn to get it through. i pull on it, i think it looks good. and then just like i did before, iãm goingto tie the working yarn to the tail so i donãt have to worry about it falling apart rightthere.
so youãre going to continue knitting thethumb the way you did the other fingers, youãre going to measure the thumb the same way youdid with the other fingers. and the only thing thatãs different in decreasingfor the top is that you have two decrease rounds. you knit two together for one round, and thenyou knit two together again for another round, so we get down to fewer stitches before wethread it on to the scrap yarn and tighten next up weãre going to talk about weavingin the ends and finishing the gloves. if youãre like me and you waited until thevery end to weave in your ends, this is what you have, this scary mess here.
but i want to show you how to weave in theends to close up any gaps that you might have between the fingers. with gloves we are always reattaching yarnand starting a new little tube for the different fingers, and there are areas where you canget gaps in your work. and it also just happens that where the endsare, where you attached new yarn, is exactly where you need something to be to maybe closethat up with the tapestry needle. so letãs take a look. here are my finished glove. here is my finishedglove. and iãve switched colors on you here.
and iãve already scoped out that i have thishole. it will be easier to see if i put it on. i have this hole here that iãm not happywith between these two fingers. you can see me poking my fingernail through there. i want to use this end to close this up. and to do that iãm going to take my tapestryneedle, thread it on there, and then i actually like to put the glove on when i do it. i think this is the easiest way to do it. so to close this up, my working yarnãs comingfrom here, iãm just going to grab anything
on the other side of this hole. and really ta-da! that closed it up. thatãsall it took! [laughs] usually just one little stitch is enough forit to fill that gap and close it up. and then the next thing iãm going to do isto just find a spot to poke the tapestry needle inside the glove, because i want to weavein the end on the inside of the glove, and then start to pull my hand out and find theneedle. pull, pull, pull, and then flip the gloveinside out at that point right there. now iãm ready to weave in this end. and this glove that iãm working on righthere happens to be 100 percent wool.
so i can just weave in the end here by goingin and out of a few stitches. and because wool, 100 percent wool here, isreally sticky, it sticks to itself really well, so thatãs not going to go anywhere.thatãs not going to come unraveled. because wool is sticky, it will hold it inplace. but on these blue gloves that i knit, thisis a wool blend. and there is more of a chance of it coming undone, especially because thisis a machine washable yarn, and i want it to be able to be machine washable, especiallyif iãm giving it as a gift. and to do that iãm going to secure the enda little more. using this same example, this is what i woulddo for a non 100 percent wool glove when i
want to weave in the ends. the first thing iãm going to do is separatethe plies in half. this is a four ply yarn, so i have two plies here and two plies here. iãm going to take two of those plies andthread them on the needle, and take those two plies just half a stitch away. so theyãre not coming out of the same placeanymore. then tie a double knot like this and reallytighten it up. and then you can cut it short. and that end wonãt go anywhere.
that end will be safe for wearing and forwashing and for whatever else. so when you take a look at your glove again,when i look at this, i have my ends here. and yeah, i can benefit ã± these gaps betweenthe fingers can benefit from me weaving that in a little bit to close that up. and then of course i have the ends to weavein at the tips of the fingers. no problem once you get started. and thatãs how youãre going to weave inthe ends. the last thing you want to do is to blockthe gloves, and blocking is a way of smoothing out all your stitches and making them lookreally beautiful which is important for anything,
but even more important if youãre givingthese gloves away as a gift. and then the very last thing you want to doof course is to make another one. good luck. [music]